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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Castlevania heading to HD consoles

That sucks I wish that the wii would've get this one instead of judgement.

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Dear Konami,

If you make a new 2D Castlevania for PS3, I'll buy a PS3.


In Memoriam RVW Jr.

SSBB Friend Code = 5455-9050-8670 (PM me if you add so I can add you!) 

Tetris Party Friend Code = 116129046416 (ditto)

ctk495 said:
That sucks I wish that the wii would've get this one instead of judgement.

Maybe they'll make a lower end version of it for PS2 and Wii like some developers do.

Some developers don't, though, because (according to what I've seen of VGChartz's sales records)

Wii sells more consoles, but less software than PS360.


Wow, didn't know there were so many closet castlevania fans here...keep the faith borthers.

I loved the first 4 Castlevanias on the Nin systems and loved the one I played on the Sega. I recently played Dawn of Sorrow on the DS and loved it, even though it was way different than I remembered. When I saw the fighter comming to the Wii, I was less than enthused. It might be good but there are lots of other games that I want first. It's good to see the Castlevania name still inspires gamers. I would like to see a nice side scroller old school style. Simon Belmont and his whip. That would kick ass.

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bulletstopper636 said:
I loved the first 4 Castlevanias on the Nin systems and loved the one I played on the Sega. I recently played Dawn of Sorrow on the DS and loved it, even though it was way different than I remembered. When I saw the fighter comming to the Wii, I was less than enthused. It might be good but there are lots of other games that I want first. It's good to see the Castlevania name still inspires gamers. I would like to see a nice side scroller old school style. Simon Belmont and his whip. That would kick ass.


 I dont see Symphony of the Night on your list...thats a must play for any gamer...not jsut castelvania fans.

Soma said:
megaman79 said:
You mean "that one"

No one is going to buy a fighter. Noone gives a shit about Castlevania fighters.


I'm going to buy it

Anyway, although I'm buying it, I'm pissed the HD consoles are getting a traditional Castlevania and Wii owners are receiving an "experimental" game.


I second that. Maybe Judgment is a good game or not but I don't get it!  why negate the wii users a "real" Castlevania entry? Why the PS360 has roast beef while the Wii owners must be settle with french fries instead? >=(