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Forums - Sony Discussion - First Demon's Souls footage...

Still in early developement I'm guessing?
The graphics looked good, but yes, there was a lot of frame rate drops. Hopefully it will be corrected.

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No sound makes it seem even more boring... i didnt get enough game play to gauge it, looks like the player juyst hit x a couple times. I'm sure there is more that can be done that the player was playing with... at least a commentary demo telling us what they are doing and can be done would be great.

The enimies just stood there after getting hit... 1 year better be good to from software.


 it wasnt a proper trailer/demo so sound couldnt be heard, and yes the player playing was probably a noob and didnt do much but hit the x button or w/e the regular attack button is.

Looks good, it still is in development so hopefullt it gets better.


it really shows how difficult ps3 are to developed for.

and look at ninja blade another 'From' software titles for xbox 360
and it locks to 60 fps, with vast area and huge monster.

interestingly WKC will be out in two months but not in playable form
so i think it is still in buggy state too

let see compare to WKC, Star Ocean released for 2009, but already have impressive gfx with smooth framerate, don't forget aboot LR

this is shows how is PS3 develompent tools are so far behind.

If one game having issues is a sign of the PS3 development then Too Human's first debut proves that there is something wrong with the 360 tool set. 

Has plenty of promise and it's not due out till 09.  I hope it gets better.

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Strange they'd do a playable demo for a game that's not going to be released for quite some time...And especially a really bad demo thanks to bad animations and clunky gameplay.

They should have canned the DS demo, and gave everyone a WKS demo.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

dejelek said:
it really shows how difficult ps3 are to developed for.

and look at ninja blade another 'From' software titles for xbox 360
and it locks to 60 fps, with vast area and huge monster.

interestingly WKC will be out in two months but not in playable form
so i think it is still in buggy state too

let see compare to WKC, Star Ocean released for 2009, but already have impressive gfx with smooth framerate, don't forget aboot LR

this is shows how is PS3 develompent tools are so far behind.



WKC was playable at last year's TGS.

And From Software having ps3 development roubles?  Yeah, because Armored Core 4 and Armored Core for Answer were a complete mess on the ps3.

mrstickball said:
Strange they'd do a playable demo for a game that's not going to be released for quite some time...And especially a really bad demo thanks to bad animations and clunky gameplay.

They should have canned the DS demo, and gave everyone a WKS demo.

Exactly why From Software are waiting a whole year before releaseing it.  Even so, I am honesty not looking foward to this game much at all.  Not only did that demo seem boring but the developer behind the game has been known to make mediocre at best games.


I told all of you this looked really bad

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
I told all of you this looked really bad

It doesn't look bad. The videos on gametrailers do a lot better job showing off the game than this shitty video.


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