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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Ocean 4 gameplay

selnor said:
I have a sneaky feeling this game is gonna be the best JRPG even over FF13.

I wouldn't be suprised if the game is better than LO and ToV but saying it will be better than FFXIII is kind of pushing it.


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Riachu said:
selnor said:
I have a sneaky feeling this game is gonna be the best JRPG even over FF13.

I wouldn't be suprised if the game is better than LO and ToV but saying it will be better than FFXIII is kind of pushing it.


You hold FF in such high esteem. After the dismal FF12 I hope to god FF13 is way better. As for LO after finishing 3 times I can honestly say it's better than FF 8,9,10,12. It's on a par with the first time I played 7. LO has the best voice acting of any game. by far the most emotional game and a good battle system.


selnor said:

 After the dismal FF12


"dismal" ? what was soo bad about the game in your opinion?

Meh, looks like fun I suppose.

Riachu said:
outlawauron said:
Eh, doesn't look like much fun. Kinda couldn't understand what was going on, the camera was the eractic.

I am taking this opinion with a large grain of salt since you are the same guy that said that ToV would suck even though it is considered by some to be the best JRPG on the 360 right now.


Ok. You watched the same video I did. 

And on ToV, it's my second favorite 360 game. Closing in one numero uno. I hated the demo. This is why I had such a bad opinion of it. The full game was much better. Tales of Vesperia is a awesome game that everyone should buy.

Notice how I said look and not is. This means, from the video it didn't look very enjoyable.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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outlawauron said:
Riachu said:
outlawauron said:
Eh, doesn't look like much fun. Kinda couldn't understand what was going on, the camera was the eractic.

I am taking this opinion with a large grain of salt since you are the same guy that said that ToV would suck even though it is considered by some to be the best JRPG on the 360 right now.


Ok. You watched the same video I did.

And on ToV, it's my second favorite 360 game. Closing in one numero uno. I hated the demo. This is why I had such a bad opinion of it. The full game was much better. Tales of Vesperia is a awesome game that everyone should buy.

Notice how I said look and not is. This means, from the video it didn't look very enjoyable.

That's because the video quality sucked and the player of the demo most likely sucked at the game also.  This game will be more fun than that poor excuse of a gameplay video makes it seem.


I love Star Ocean... but I haven't really played one since end of time

mandatory panty shot

Loving the gameplay.

Best battle system ever.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"