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Forums - Gaming Discussion - TGS Opening Keynote Liveblog (Squeenix)


Click the link, check it out. There's quite a bit going on so far.


"Why did Japan lose its place as the best source of developers?"



Here's the Microsoft keynote, jump on it quick

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They aren't supposed to announce anything new, right? My guess it's that it won't be very exciting, except for the new trailers of FFXIII and VXIII (which of course we won't see) and some Birth By Sleep gameplay. I don't think they'll have any surprise

Won't know unless we read, now will we?

Well, when I went there all I saw was "lorem ipsum blabla", so I thought it hadn't started, then I refreshed and realized it started an hour ago. Still, they haven't said anything we didn't knew beforehand.

Well, they're talking about the developer culture of Japan, which is interesting.

No, the opening keynote probably isn't about announcements, but the valuable stuff lies in how it reflects on what goes on in Japanese development studios.

I don't really like what I see.

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OK, it ended. Nothing to see here. Now comes M$, I hope it's even more boring, any announcement M$ makes is bad for me

I dunno, that keynote was actually pretty interesting, though it could probably be described as "bleak".

Why are Microsoft announcements bad for you?

And why do you use a dollar sign instead of an "S"

Microsoft's has started:

Editing that into the OP

That... wasn't that interesting, to be honest... we already KNOW that Microsoft has some cool stuff lined up, though.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."