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Forums - Sony Discussion - NA Killzone 2 invites going out now...

I may or may not have gotten one.  >_>

Check your e-mail!

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HOLY CRAP! Today I was looking to see if I could trade a LBP beta key for a KZ2 beta key and word is in that the KZ2 beta is going out. Crazy how instead of the R2 beta that was supposed to start on monday, we're gonna get the KZ2 beta instead. Anyways, don't u have to be like a GAP member or something? thanks for teh info.

I'm not a GAP member. :)

Though I damn well should be.  >=(

GAP really isnt that awesome as people think, ive been in it since 2003, and all i got was a hat/GAP card. but ive got invited to Home/LBP beta from sony, i just got my LBP beta today from PlaystationUnderground! i hope i get in the KZ2 beta.

Wtf is GAP? Gay And Proud Lulz, I Kid

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well, apparently, the KZ2 beta was 100% random. Some dood on the playstation forum said he didn't even know they had a beta, and he got an invite.....that's ridiculous.


Yeah, it's completely random.

Hopefully i get one.


I'm in gap... there is an annoying prick in there. I wont mention names. He alwaysed talked bad about this site. That's the reason I joined here lol I wanted to know what he was bitching about. I still don't see his reasoning. Anyway I got a t-shit that said playstation in japanese... pretty cool... I got a job offer at a music festival that was pitching the Ps3 to the passer byers... I would have gone for the music but I wouldnt have been able to enjoy it and I had a job.

That account is set up with my old account though =(
