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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Report: Manufacting contract awarded for external 360 Blu-ray drive

Hey, cool. If me and my girlfriend get an HDTV and a 360, we'll snag one of these, I think.

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Wouldn't surprise me with MS's "ME TOO" attitude as of late.

From gamespot

Bogus or not bogus?: Microsoft has been clear in its position that online distribution will be its video-playback venue of choice, and there's no reason to believe this rumor holds any more water than the many that have come before it. As was seen with persistent rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 arriving for the 360, repetition does not always equate to reality. bogus

If Sega was somehow involved with this, we'd all know it was true... heh heh

this is a move by M$ yo provide parity...personally, I have no interest in picking one up, as my upscaling of DVD, and old HD-DVD players are working just peachy.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

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$100 blu ray player? i guess since i already own a 360 i'll consider it. i'm still not excited about blu ray but this price at least makes it easier to swallow. now about the price of the discs...

after too many denials :P.

DMeisterJ said:

Wouldn't surprise me with MS's "ME TOO" attitude as of late.

I know right, allowing movie playback on a console is so yesteryear.

1. Sony will recieve a cut as they own large parts of the technology.
2. Weren't you gonna go for digital distribuition, Microsoft?
3. That add on will further popularise BR. Sony benefits again.

In short, thank you, MS!

LOL...M$ isn't giving money to Sony, they are getting money from the periphal makers, who want to tap into the 360 gets a cut, but so does M$, and they probably get a bigger cut than Sony, so it's advantage M$...first off. If they were internalizing hte player, Sony would stand to benfit more, but that's not the case. Digital Distro is one of several ways to get content...not the only one...

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder