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Forums - Sales Discussion - What's your country?

fishamaphone said:
routsounmanman said:
fishamaphone said:
OK, this is at *least* the third "where are you from" thread on this forum.

But what the hell, why not?


Not to freak you guys out, but as I type, there's a pile of about 10 gas masks in boxes right in front of the elevator outside my apartment door.

Errrmmm... this is NOT a "where are you from" thread. It's a "What's your country" thread, meaning which company does your country favor overall, Nintendo Sony or MS? Read before posting...

Thank you. I did read, however "what's your country" doesn't carry the meaning you think it does. "What's your country" means the same as "what country are you from." I don't mean to make fun of people who aren't fluent in English, because I know how hard it is to learn a second language, but please check your definitions before accusing someone of not reading a post.

What you probably should have written was something along the lines of "What is your country's video game status" or "Who is winning in your country." Otherwise, there is absolutely no indicator in your thread to tell me that this is what the thread is about.

As for Israel, most of our market is after-market. Sony stuff can generally be found in major retail chains, so it tends to be dominant, but anything else you buy pretty much has to be through an importer anyway. Some chains carry DSs now, though, so once Nintendo gets their stock up, this might change.

I'm a very fluent English speaker, it's just that I couldn't write a 12 or so word title. And by the way, What's your country does NOT mean What country are you from, it's a syntax error. And you were the one to bash the thread - OK, this is at *least* the third "where are you from" thread on this forum -. Eventually, I think it's my bad after all - the mistake I made with the title. I'm not very used to forums, see.

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I'm from South Africa. The Wii hasnt launched here since a company still has to step up to import it, but all the other latest Nintendo products have launched here.

Sony is pretty much dominating Microsoft here, since the original XBOX never officially launched here most people grew up with PS1 and PS2, and even though 360 launched here last September, I'm pretty it did well until PS3 launched, even though only 10,000 units were imported for the PS3 launch, they were pretty much sold out throughout the country during the first week of its launch, which is quite a bit considering all the poverty in South Africa

Veggie said:
I'm in Canada. Nintendo Land.

Correction. Wii/DS land. I'm pretty sure that it was PS2 land before. 

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.


I'm from Israel!

Here, 99.99% of the gamin cosoles are PS2. The over 0.01% is the PSOne. I never saw xbox or GC.

I have PSOne that I bought in 2001.  Since then I playing Tekken 3 and Crash 3.

I still waiting for rhe price of the PS3 to get low. Here PS3 costs around 800$.

In september I planning to buy a PSP. I hope the slim version will be here by then.


i'm from RUSSIA!
here only Sony (PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP) and PC have power... Nintendo and M$ suck...

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wandie2007 said:

I live in Geel.


Where do you live ?

 Ah zo lol!


K'peins da we de enigste twee Vlamingen zijn op dit forum ^^.