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You don't get 1 month free gold with the arcade. You get 1 month free of netflix when that launches, but you have to buy the gold account.

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naznatips said:

You guys are suggesting a lot more XBLA games than are going to fit on that 256mb memory card. Guess I should look for a hard drive pretty soon.

Thanks though.  Honestly you guys have been a huge help, and suggested a lot of stuff I hadn't thought of.

eBay it, dude. A 20GB is $60 used at Gamestop, but less than $40 on eBay. After shipping.




Naz, welcome to the world where you wallet hurts.

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naznatips said:
You don't get 1 month free gold with the arcade. You get 1 month free of netflix when that launches, but you have to buy the gold account.

I wouldn't be 100% sure on that.  I had an original 360 Pro w/o HDMI that I bought in early 07.  I sold that machine and bought an arcade Falcon unit last X-mas.  When I created a new gamertag on that unit it gave me a free month of live.  Maybe that's changed but I don't know how Microsoft can tell the difference between models.  The only thing seperating them is a hard drive.

Again I might be wrong or they changed it but this is just my experience so YMMV

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
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3 consoles is really hardcore. I have only one nex-gen console and can't even play all the games I want to play on it because of time and my penchant for really delving into online play. I really don't know how you guys do it.

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jasonnc80 said:
naznatips said:
You don't get 1 month free gold with the arcade. You get 1 month free of netflix when that launches, but you have to buy the gold account.

I wouldn't be 100% sure on that. I had an original 360 Pro w/o HDMI that I bought in early 07. I sold that machine and bought an arcade Falcon unit last X-mas. When I created a new gamertag on that unit it gave me a free month of live. Maybe that's changed but I don't know how Microsoft can tell the difference between models. The only thing seperating them is a hard drive.

Again I might be wrong or they changed it but this is just my experience so YMMV


I think it's when you sign up for a new account, they offer you 1 month of Gold for free.

^^^ That's what I always thought too, I didn't think there was any stipulation for the type of system you had but I don't know 100%

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

That's also how the system of getting more months of free trial works. Creating a new account I believe.

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