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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Holiday Bundles Revealed(xbox360)

Wow those are some fraud bundles. Give me Gears, give me Mass Effect, hell give me GTA with the DLC for free. Please don't ever bundle a game based on a movie with a console.

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I remember when my friend bought his Xbox 1 a long time ago, it came bundled with 3rd party games. It had Jet Set Radio Future and Sega GT(I think). Both games from Sega I believe.

Anyway, free games are free games! Kung-fu Panda might not be so great, but Lego IJ seemed pretty good when I played the demo of it. Should be fun especially for Lego or IJ fans who haven't picked up the game.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

maybe they aim to attract kids with this bundles to buy the 360 because the bundled games is so much kiddy.

aww come on! I love microsoft but kung fu panda?

For 199$


+ 2 paddle


+ Forza2

= GG

Hopefully, they are not enought clever to do this, hopefully...

Time to Work !