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Forums - General Discussion - A vote for Bob Barr is a vote for change!!!

Hey guys I look down the list of forums people write about and sigs. Well all I see is Obama and McCain. Well I am a Bob Barr fan and I am almost 100% sure most people do not know a darn thing about him. Well the media does not want him anywere to be seen on tv or even the debates. Both Obama and McCain are both trouble for the country in there own ways. The only guy that has a real plain to change the white house and how it will be ran if any of those two guys made it in will be Bob Barr. Check him out and I know you will change your vote!!!!!


Meet Bob

Bob Barr is the 2008 Libertarian nominee for President of the United States. Previously, he represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, serving as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. He now practices law with the Law Offices of Edwin Marger, and runs a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies LLC, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and with offices in the Washington, D.C. area. Barr works tirelessly to help preserve our fundamental right to privacy and our other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

From 2003 to 2008, he occupied the 21st Century Liberties Chair for Freedom and Privacy at the American Conservative Union. Since 1997 he has served as a Board Member of the National Rifle Association. Bob is also a member of The Constitution Project’s Initiative on Liberty and Security, and he served from 2003 to 2005 as a member of a project at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University addressing matters of privacy and security. In fact, recognizing Bob Barr’s leadership in privacy matters, New York Times columnist William Safire has called him “Mr. Privacy.” Barr serves as a board member for Privacy International, an international watchdog group headquartered in London.

Bob has appeared on virtually every major cable and network television program dealing with public policy matters, and has served as a contributor for CNN. He has written a regular column for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, hosted a nationally-syndicated weekly radio show, and served as Contributing Editor for The American Spectator. Bob’s writings appear in numerous academic, local, regional, national and international publications. He is the author of “The Meaning of Is, The Squandered Impeachment and Wasted Legacy of William Jefferson Clinton,” published by Stroud & Hall. He is a member of the Board of Advisors for the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy.

Bob has served as an adjunct professor at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, GA, and serves as a national officer for Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.

Bob was appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia (1986-90), and served as President of Southeastern Legal Foundation (1990-91). He was an official with the CIA from 1971-78.

Barr is a speaker with the All American Speakers Bureau ( He has traveled widely and spoken to audiences across America and internationally, and has served as an official member of the U.S. delegation at several major United Nations conferences.








  Throughout his distinguished career, Bob Barr has proven that he is the leader Americans need to restore confidence of the American people in the future of their nation. Both working for the American people as a Congressman from Georgia and afterwards partnering with groups dedicated to protecting civil liberties, Bob has shown a commitment to shrinking government and giving power back to the people.

Americans know that the answer to today’s problems is not more government, and Bob will work tirelessly to cut taxes, reduce government spending and restore our civil liberties lost during the Bush administration. Having seen the true nature of government from inside and out, only Bob Barr has the qualifications, the passion, and the commitment to work for the American people in their interest — not the government’s.

Since 1997, Bob has been a board member of the National Rifle Association, and quickly became the vanguard of gun rights during his four terms in Congress. In 2003, Bob became a member of a project at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University addressing matters of privacy and security, and also began work at the American Conservative Union as the 21st Century Liberties Chair for Freedom and Privacy. For his work on protecting the privacy and civil liberties of all Americans, legendary New York Times columnist William Safire dubbed Bob “Mr. Privacy.”

If there is one candidate who consistently comes down on the side of the American people’s rights, it is Bob Barr. Bob knows the answer is less government, and has proven that he will deliver the real change necessary to lead America into a new era of prosperity and freedom.

Spending & The Economy

The government cannot continue spending at this rate if America is to remain competitive in the global marketplace. The new administration’s number one job will be to drastically reduce spending by limiting federal outlays to only the government’s legitimate functions, as provided in the United States Constitution.

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Entitlement Programs

In general, private charity should be the first resort for anyone in need. In 2007, for example, Americans gave more than $300 billion to charity, an increase over 2006 despite growing economic uncertainty. Government should eliminate regulatory barriers that inhibit private philanthropy, and expand tax deductions to encourage charitable giving.

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Energy Policy

Government intervention, whether through more regulations or more subsidies (or both), hurts consumers in the end. The free market, driven by consumer choice and reflecting the real cost of resources, should be the foundation of America’s energy policy. The federal government should eliminate restrictions that inhibit energy production, as well as all special privileges for the production of politically-favored fuels, such as ethanol.

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Privacy & Surveillance

We may not yet be in the nightmare world of George Orwell's classic novel “1984”, but time is fast running out for a society that values freedom and liberty. Certainly, the government must be able to confront crime and terrorism, but its powers must be limited to those truly necessary to protect Americans and which are consistent with the Constitution. Also, government officials must always be accountable for their actions.

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Iraq War

The invasion and occupation of Iraq were two separate mistakes, which collectively have cost thousands of American lives and hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. Every day that the occupation in Iraq continues without a withdrawal plan is a day that more American blood and treasure (some $400 million a day) is needlessly wasted.

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Foreign Intervention & Foreign Bases

It is time to reemphasize the word “defense” in national defense. By maintaining a military presence in more than 130 nations around the world in more than 700 installations, with hundreds of thousands of troops deployed overseas, the U.S. spends more to protect the soil of other nations than our own. Bringing these soldiers home would better protect America while saving lives and money.

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Defending the liberties that we enjoy in the United States by serving in the Armed Forces is one of life’s most honorable pursuits. Our veterans who have sacrificed much and risked all to protect America, often paying in their own blood, deserve our support both during their time of duty and thereafter.

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Health Care

Federal health care programs, most notably Medicare and Medicaid, have become financially unsustainable. These programs need to be transformed to emphasize patient choice, focus on the truly needy, and add cost-saving incentives. Here, too, market principles should be applied to bring better quality health care at less cost.

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Education & Home Schooling

School reform starts by shifting control over education from government to parents. We must abolish the Department of Education, eliminate federal grants and regulations, and begin moving power back to the states and local communities. States should consider tax credits or deductions for parents who home school or send their children to private schools. Public schools should be managed locally, increasing accountability and parental involvement.

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Property Rights & Eminent Domain

Allowing governments, at any level, to confiscate property without a compelling justification represents a serious attack on fundamental liberty. Government’s most basic duty is to protect individual rights, including that of private property ownership, not to diminish them.

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Second Amendment

America’s Founders viewed the Second Amendment as necessary to protect the citizen, states and the nation from tyranny both domestic and foreign. Blackstone’s Commentaries termed this right as “the true palladium of liberty.” … I oppose any law requiring registration of, or restricting the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition to law-abiding citizens.

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Tax reform is desperately needed in the United States; but before we can reform the tax code, we must sharply reduce the tax burden on Americans made necessary. Second, we need a tax code that makes taxation fairer and simpler for all citizens. Meaningful tax reform begins with reining in government spending.

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Border Security & Immigration

There is no perfect immigration reform. The government must balance security and sovereignty concerns, which necessitate controlling the border, with the economic benefits of immigration. The best policy would be to stop illegal immigrant flows while accepting more of the world’s economically productive who want to come to America.

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Racism & Equality

The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal. Government should make no law that discriminates based on race, religion, sexuality or any other personal characteristic. Government laws should respect each person as an individual and treat them equally as such.

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Regardless of whether one supports or opposes same sex marriage, the decision to recognize such unions ought to be made by each state rather than imposed as a one-size-fits-all mandate by the federal government. Any federal laws that prevent states from determining their own standards for marriage should be repealed; the federal government should not define marriage, whether by statute or constitutional amendment.

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Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve is a secretive and unaccountable organization which dominates monetary policy, regulates financial institutions, and increasingly intervenes in economic markets. Congress must insist on accountability and transparency in the Federal Reserve’s operation, while reconsidering the Fed’s almost total control over the money supply.

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For far too long people have voted for someone they'd heard of before. This guy you've never heard of over here offers a change. Vote for who the hell is that guy '08! Obscurity is change!

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

All I know is his wife had an abortion, so he'll never get elected. Larry Flynt says Barr committed perjury, too.

Spending & The Economy

Actually, historically speaking, government spending is what jump starts the economy in a recession.

Entitlement Programs

In practice, the idea sounds good. It also sounds like Hoover.

Energy Policy

The free market doesn't work out international deals for drilling or pipelines, nor did the free market develop the nuclear reactor. Bell labs developed the first viable Solar Cell, as a subsidiary government created monopoly, not a free market economy.


I agree, so do the democrats.

Iraq War

I was against the war from day one, but now that we are there we can not just pick up in 4 months. We need to give them a time frame of 16-24 months, so the country we crippled can get ready properly.

Foreign Intervention & Foreign Bases

This is very naive. U.S. citizens live a nice lifestyle and pay less taxes by being the sole significant military power. I do think it needs to be scaled back, but isolationist defense is not the answer in the real world.


Eliminate education grants? really? This is about the only good spending the FedGov does. Children don't pick their parents. Health care and Education should not be denied to any child or young adult and should be subsidized by the government on the basis of building a strong base of human capital for peace and war. It's relatively cheap in the big picture.

Public Schools are managed locally. This position never made sense to me, even when I was a libertarian.

Property Rights


2nd Amendment

Pretty much, some regulation won't kill anybody but basically I agree.


What's fair? Capital gains use proportionally more government resources than labor income, so should they be taxed a higher percentage? I think so. Inheritance is facilitated by a stable government, so it should face higher taxes than income as well.

Fair is debatable.


Secure the border, legalize non-resident, non-citizen workers so they can pay taxes and pay for health care.




Agree, but the problem with state level control is interstate recognition of marriage. The issue needs to be settled either direct adressing same sex couples or removing marriage legislation from all levels of government outside of record keeping.

Monetary Policy

This actually makes me slightly happier. Market based is a new approach by Libs under Barr, they all used to cry for the gold standard. What they needed to realize that in reality, gold is just as valueless as any other thing humans give value. It's all in our heads.

The feds powers need to be redefined, but that is the nature of real world democracy. It a balance of freedom and security that goes back and forth like a pendulum.

No mention of health care?

Health care is not currently free market, it has been lobbied for so much that new competition is kept out and prices artificially high. They need to repeal and fix much of the previous legislation if they want to fix that. but this is very mature and pragmatic talk, not the big L's strong suit.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network

A vote for Bob Barr is a vote wasted. The libertarian candidate has never received more than 1% of the vote nationally and there's no reason to think Barr will be any different.

A vote for Barr is about as effective as staying home.

He has a totally sweet 'stache.

Or check out my new webcomic:

wait a minute there is no way that voting for Bob Barr is a wasted vote. Your voting for who you think is the better canidate. So far in some states he is polling ten percent. That is huge numbers concidering that no one on tv talks about him or even has enough money to get his name out there. This guy will change the way the goverment is run and McBama will destroy any hope we have of saving are country!

He seems OK, but not great, there are a few policies I don't agree with.

Now Obama, that voting for that guy would be a vote for change.