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Forums - General Discussion - If McCain loses....

A whoopin'/whipping is different than an upset.

C'mon people, it's the internet, there are free dictionaries all over the place.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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coasterlove said:
If McCain loses, this country is crazy in my opinion that it would elect Obama with little experience and nothing but being a great speaker as so many say. I still can't believe so many white people are willing to overlook the fact he went to a racist reverend for years. How can that be acceptable? If McCain had went to some preacher, priest, etc that spewed the same type of racist comments as Rev. Wright did, McCain would be crucified in the media and his numbers would drop like a rock in water. With Obama, it's "A-ok" with white folks.

Get your head checked America.


I think it's because most people have a friend or family member that's a racist.  They don't want to be judged by association.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:

An upset is where the unexpected one wins.  Davis would have had to beat Coolidge for it to be an upset.


Yes, that is why I said would have been. 

The election for Lincoln's 2nd term was closer than most people realize. In regards to popular vote, that is. There were other elections I would put ahead of 64. It depends somewhat on whether you use EC vote or popular vote, but they are fairly congruous in their results.

In my opinion, I don't know what will really happen. However in the end this election will be historic and people will remember it for a long time. The stakes have never been higher. If McCain loses, then the only thing i can say is will have our first black President and will be part of history. Thats at least something to be happy about.


steven787 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Even if McCain wins every state that Obama is leading by 1, 2, 3, or 4%, and Obama only wins the states he's leading by 5% or more, Obama will still have over 270 electoral votes.

Obama will win.

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.


That's no quite true... he needs to win ONE of these: (Except Nevada, it's not big enough.

Ohio (20) 48.9 44.9 Obama +4.0 Toss Up Bush +2.1
Florida (27) 48.3 45.3 Obama +3.0 Toss Up Bush +5.0
Nevada (5) 49.6 46.6 Obama +3.0 Toss Up Bush +2.6
North Carolina (15) 48.2 47.6 Obama +0.6 Toss Up Bush +12.4
Missouri (11) 47.8 47.5 Obama +0.3 Toss Up Bush +7.2
Indiana (11) 46.0 48.5 McCain +2.5 Toss Up Bush +20.7
Virginia (13) 49.9 45.1 Obama +4.8 Toss Up Bush +8.2
Colorado (9) 49.3 45.3 Obama +4.0 Toss Up Bush +4.7


No, Navada is enough. That makes it a tie and house is controlled by the democrats.

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8 years of Barrack Obama will be great for the USA. 2008 to 2016. McCain looks like a very weak candidate. Obama will destroy the little old man in the Presidential race.

Jackson50 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.

I think Harry Truman just spun in his grave.

Anyways, I think the 24 election would have been the biggest upset ever. Davis had no shot at against Coolidge. Coolidge's lead was so big that the Republicans actually won New York City...not even Reagan could pull that off

Oops, my bolded part was a quote and I forgot to source it.



Stephen Hess

Brookings Institution

Worked for presidents from Eisenhower to Carter

"If McCain were to win this election I think it would truly be the biggest upset in American political history, and I say that not as a partisan but as a political historian ... It's as if Herbert Hoover would have won in 1932. I don't think you can have an economic situation this bad, and not expect to throw out the in party ... By now much of it is set in concrete as far as the fundamentals."


It's from an article with many other great quotes from analysts on both sides, regarding McCain's chances of making a comeback:


The House may have a Democratic majority, but that is not how the president would be chosen. It would be done by each state's House delegation. So while the Democrats may have more members, the Republicans may have more states with a Republican majority House delegation. Michigan, for example, has nine Republicans and six democrats in the House. This would give McCain the edge in Michigan. I am not sure what the current split is for all of the states, but it is close. Also, it would be the incoming House delgations deciding and not the outgoing delegations.

*edit* this is in response to Aiemond's post.

McCain losing the 2008 US President election is inevitable.Most of the young voters support Obama.
The disastrous state of the economy should be enough reason for Obama to win the Presidential race.
McCain is just the continuation of failing Republican US President George W. Bush.
Time for change is now America. Obama is best man for the job. Race should not be an issue. Obama has more personality and charisma than McCain.
Obama 2008 and go Democrats.

If McCain loses, America will have made the right choice.