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Forums - General Discussion - If McCain loses....

Romney 2012 then? He is great for the economy and has presidential qualities and is a great speaker but flip-flops too much. He still is a CEO at heart.

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we'll be heading into depression.

Even if McCain wins every state that Obama is leading by 1, 2, 3, or 4%, and Obama only wins the states he's leading by 5% or more, Obama will still have over 270 electoral votes.

Obama will win.

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Even if McCain wins every state that Obama is leading by 1, 2, 3, or 4%, and Obama only wins the states he's leading by 5% or more, Obama will still have over 270 electoral votes.

Obama will win.

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.


That's no quite true... he needs to win ONE of these: (Except Nevada, it's not big enough.

Ohio (20) 48.9 44.9 Obama +4.0 Toss Up Bush +2.1
Florida (27) 48.3 45.3 Obama +3.0 Toss Up Bush +5.0
Nevada (5) 49.6 46.6 Obama +3.0 Toss Up Bush +2.6
North Carolina (15) 48.2 47.6 Obama +0.6 Toss Up Bush +12.4
Missouri (11) 47.8 47.5 Obama +0.3 Toss Up Bush +7.2
Indiana (11) 46.0 48.5 McCain +2.5 Toss Up Bush +20.7
Virginia (13) 49.9 45.1 Obama +4.8 Toss Up Bush +8.2
Colorado (9) 49.3 45.3 Obama +4.0 Toss Up Bush +4.7

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Even if McCain wins every state that Obama is leading by 1, 2, 3, or 4%, and Obama only wins the states he's leading by 5% or more, Obama will still have over 270 electoral votes.

Obama will win.

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.


You are correct, but I just wanted to point out a few things ...

Until very recently this race was much closer and it is only the panic caused by the $700,000,000,000.00 bail-out that has pushed Obama to his current position. Panic is also a very short lived emotion, as it wears off people may or may not re-evaluate who they are leaning towards.

For the longest time, Obama has been polling far below a "generic" Democrat as who people want as the next president and McCain has stayed remakably close to Obama even through the panic caused by the ecconomic collapse. Whether you want to admit it or not, there are a ton of people who are desperately looking for any reason not to vote for Obama and if McCain can give them one the polls could change direction on a dime.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.

I think Harry Truman just spun in his grave. 

Anyways, I think the 24 election would have been the biggest upset ever. Davis had no shot at against Coolidge. Coolidge's lead was so big that the Republicans actually won New York City...not even Reagan could pull that off.


Jackson50 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

People are already saying that if McCain wins it will be the biggest upset in political history, as crazy as if Hoover won in 1932.

When the market fails, you throw out the party in power.

I think Harry Truman just spun in his grave. 

Anyways, I think the 24 election would have been the biggest upset ever. Davis had no shot at against Coolidge. Coolidge's lead was so big that the Republicans actually won New York City...not even Reagan could pull that off.



An upset is where the unexpected one wins.  Davis would have had to beat Coolidge for it to be an upset.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

double post.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I think the 1864 Lincoln election and the 1932-1944 Roosevelt elections are the biggest 'whippings' in American election history.

Roosevelt - 523    Landon - 8

What is that, a difference of 6500%.  I wonder if Alf Landon even bothered to go to the polls and vote for himself.

If McCain loses, this country is crazy in my opinion that it would elect Obama with little experience and nothing but being a great speaker as so many say. I still can't believe so many white people are willing to overlook the fact he went to a racist reverend for years. How can that be acceptable? If McCain had went to some preacher, priest, etc that spewed the same type of racist comments as Rev. Wright did, McCain would be crucified in the media and his numbers would drop like a rock in water. With Obama, it's "A-ok" with white folks.

Get your head checked America.

I'll come up with something better eventually...