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Forums - General Discussion - If McCain loses....

ManusJustus said:
I think Sarah Palin will be back in 2012 as, I would imagine, she has more star power than Huckabee and all other Republicans at the moment.

However Americans think she's an idiot. I saw a survey that said 60% of people thought she was unqualified which was far higher than either of the prez candidates or Biden.


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steven787 said:
The more I think about it, the more I think McCain should run again in '12.

It worked for Nixon.

He'd be 76 years old by then... Isn't that pushing things too far in terms of age?

As for Huckabee... Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all if he becomes president...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I does not matter who runs in 1012, they will win. Obama will do what he did when he went to the senate. Promise change, and do nothing.

in 4 years....

We will not have a national healthcare plan
We will not be completely out of Iraq
We will not have a better Medicare plan
We will not be closer to energy independence due to anything the government did

Obama will win this election, but will he do anything he said? No. For two reasons....

1. We can't afford it.
2. It's not the presidents job!!! I hate it when I keep hearing "the fail policies of the Bush administration". What that should really say is "the failed Congressional policies of the last 8 years". They don't say that, because only six of them are republican.

Every dime the president wants to spend on a program, he has to ask for. Congress spends the money. To get up there and say "When I am president, we will spend 15 billion a year on alternative energy" is incredibly misleading. No, when you are president, you will ask congress to spend 15 billion on alternative energy, and they will do so, or not. You don't get to make that call.

TheRealMafoo said:
I does not matter who runs in 1012, they will win. Obama will do what he did when he went to the senate. Promise change, and do nothing.

in 4 years....

We will not have a national healthcare plan
We will not be completely out of Iraq
We will not have a better Medicare plan
We will not be closer to energy independence due to anything the government did

Obama will win this election, but will he do anything he said? No. For two reasons....

1. We can't afford it.
2. It's not the presidents job!!! I hate it when I keep hearing "the fail policies of the Bush administration". What that should really say is "the failed Congressional policies of the last 8 years". They don't say that, because only six of them are republican.

Every dime the president wants to spend on a program, he has to ask for. Congress spends the money. To get up there and say "When I am president, we will spend 15 billion a year on alternative energy" is incredibly misleading. No, when you are president, you will ask congress to spend 15 billion on alternative energy, and they will do so, or not. You don't get to make that call.

I agree. It doesn't really matter who runs in 1012, for no one can stop the inevitable invasion from William the Conqueror.




I actually wonder how bad the next president will seem because of the current state of the ecconomy ...

A long time ago, our "leaders" decided that the best way to keep the house warm was to build a large fire in a poorly built fire-place. All the "leaders" decided to prevent the fire from burning out at all costs, and would never let it die down to clean out the creosote from the chimney. Eventually the house caught fire and our fearless leaders talked about how great it was to live in a home that was so warm, and pointed to the flames on the walls as a sign of their greatness. The fire eventually put holes in the walls and the ceiling which has allowed the snow to fall on the fire and the cold air to rush in and everyone started to panic and have started to throw gasoline on the embers of the fire. Soon enough all that will be left is ash and the frame of the house that once stood.

Neither of the potential presidents will really address the core problems that are hurting the ecconomy right now, and you won't see a return to lower spending, balanced budgets, competitive tax rates, and reasonable regulation ... This means that you will probably see a (massive) reduction in the number of private sector jobs due to the US becomming (more) uncompetitive, which are only partially balanced out by a massive increase in the number of public sector jobs. On top of this growth in Real GDP will stagnate and yet the Federal Reserve will (probably) keep Interest rates artificially low which results in high inflation. In other words ... Welcome to the 1970s!


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@HappySqurriel: Very good assessment of the situation... The sooner we have a recession the better. The later we do, the bigger the recession will be.

I guess it's the problem with having short-term oriented politicians. If voters could tell the difference, this behavior wouldn't be encouraged. Maybe Homo Sapiens just isn't smart enough for democracy to work for a long time.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

McCain did horrible last night, he was shaky during most part of the debate, he's to old he should retire, go to bed old man!

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Recessions(after 1970) last how long? 6-12 months? Even if this one last double, which it won't, the last two years of the term will see more jobs and massive growth.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:

Recessions(after 1970) last how long? 6-12 months? Even if this one last double, which it won't, the last two years of the term will see more jobs and massive growth.

What makes you think this recession won't be worse than those?

According to IMF, both 2008 and 2009 will show a contraction... There's your two years already.

EDIT - actually that's not what they say, but it's still an interesting read. I wouldn't be surprised if their predictions are optimistic either (probably based on high inflation which messes up growth statistics).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yeah, that's what the GOP needs... Another religious man.

Watch the public continue to not care. If anyone from the party had been elected other than McCain, this election would be a massive ass-kicking by Obama. It might turn out that way anyway, but it would have been worse had it been Huckabee or Romney.

The GOP needs an enema.

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