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I actually wonder how bad the next president will seem because of the current state of the ecconomy ...

A long time ago, our "leaders" decided that the best way to keep the house warm was to build a large fire in a poorly built fire-place. All the "leaders" decided to prevent the fire from burning out at all costs, and would never let it die down to clean out the creosote from the chimney. Eventually the house caught fire and our fearless leaders talked about how great it was to live in a home that was so warm, and pointed to the flames on the walls as a sign of their greatness. The fire eventually put holes in the walls and the ceiling which has allowed the snow to fall on the fire and the cold air to rush in and everyone started to panic and have started to throw gasoline on the embers of the fire. Soon enough all that will be left is ash and the frame of the house that once stood.

Neither of the potential presidents will really address the core problems that are hurting the ecconomy right now, and you won't see a return to lower spending, balanced budgets, competitive tax rates, and reasonable regulation ... This means that you will probably see a (massive) reduction in the number of private sector jobs due to the US becomming (more) uncompetitive, which are only partially balanced out by a massive increase in the number of public sector jobs. On top of this growth in Real GDP will stagnate and yet the Federal Reserve will (probably) keep Interest rates artificially low which results in high inflation. In other words ... Welcome to the 1970s!