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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yes another anti-LBP thread.

ya...the gameplay is the main point why we play a a game
LBP does not seem to satisfy people who really want to play games but not creating games
I mean,why are we doing this in a game?We are not artist,We want to play sports,shoot somebody and kick some ass in games,why bother doing something meaningless and tedious
2 hours for a 2-5 minutes video, come on~~~

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MontanaHatchet said:
mike_intellivision said:
dougsdad0629 said:
This might sound weird, but I think the gameplay isn't really the point. As long as it is passable, which it seems like it is, the game will do well. The whole point of this game is creative freedom and a sense of community. The actual "gameplay" of running through the levels is just the means by which you view and experience someone's creation.

If gameplay is not important ... then why do we play games?

If this turns out to be more art program than game, it will have a lot of trouble moving beyond a certain level of sales (1M? 2M?). And it won't move systems.

Basically, beyond a core group of gamers who think user created is the greatest thing since sliced bread, there are a lot of gamers who just want to play. And this type of game -- 2.5D platform -- has not fared well on the PS3 so far.


Mike from Morgantown

PS -- I think the score will be in the 90-or-above range because reviewers will love the game, even if people don't take to it as much as they think people should. (Can anyone say "Beyond Good and Evil"? -- highly reviewed, great gameplay, poor sales).

First you said it had poor gameplay, and then you made a comparison to Beyond Good and Evil which you claimed had great gameplay. I'm guessing you're making a comparison to show that Little Big Planet will have poor sales, which is really unrelated to the quality of the game and is just a method for people to troll the game when questioning its quality fails. I''d also like to know if Beyond Good and Evil was being advertised months before launch and being highly hyped by major gaming sites.

I wasn't paying attention at the time, but you seem to be an expert on the game.



Let me make some clarifying commments.

I am certainly guilty of mixed metaphors.

First, I said that if it did not have gameplay, it would be niche title. That is in reaction to the comment that gameplay was not important.

Second, it appears to me that platformers have not fared well on the PS3 "saleswise" -- this was not a statement about game quality.

Finally, the reference to BG&E was a game that did not sell as well as reviewers thought it should. LBP could be that ... but given that we were talking about the quality of gameplay and inference was that it was not outstanding, the comparison is not fully approrpriate.

Objection by Montana Hatchet is sustained!

However, even if gameplay is outstanding, it might still not sell like gangbusters because of the console and the nature of the game (user-generated content does not automatically mean big sales). So in that case, it could end up being like BG&E.


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


ultimate_123 said:

You also have to spend a lot of time creating levels only for them to turn out to be roughly 2-5 minutes long. I mean whats the points in spending 2 hours if the level only turned out to be 2-5 minutes long?


I don't really have any opinion of LBP, as I haven't really looked into it much, but please stop and think about this for a moment.

It takes months or years to create a 2 hour movie or 20-40 hour game.  Authors spend months writing a novel that can be read in hours to days.  I write music, and it certainly takes me longer than two hours to write a song that's five minutes long.  I can spend days or weeks making something, refining and perfecting it.

I highly doubt this has anything to do with the game or the editors, it is more likely due the fact that anything worth playing/reading/watching/etc. takes time to make.  The time required to make a level in LBP, according to your post, makes quite a bit of sense.

If you could throw together a level in a couple minutes, it would probably turn out bad. (look at the Smash Bros. level editor) It should actually be encouraging news to LBP fans that it takes a while to make a level, as that is a sign that the editor can probably actually be used to make good levels.

grimygunz said:
screw adding trophies to a tag. but if thats the only reason you have a 360 tag something gamer score means nothing to just about everyone.

any how i fully disagree with your OP as im in the BETA and playing some of the better levels are a blast. Also creating a level along with other friends on my PSN is fun although very hard to keep focused when you can act a damn fool with all the editing tools. The variety of game types is what will give this game ALOT more value then many people think.


Exactly. n_n


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I played it to it sucks!

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I think this game will be a success critic wise and sell good between 1-2 millions, but will fall in expand the PS3 sales because a "casual" will not expend 2-3 hours making a level

off topic here but didnt mm annouce that there will be some sort of story to lbp and some DLC with more than 12h+

Actually, if you think about don't have to touch the level creator at all. You could subsist entirely on levels created by other people.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

I swear I could have said the same about HALO 3.

Ahh... The LBP hate is strong with this one.

LBP will be huge.