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Forums - General Discussion - The Official Obama/McCain 2nd Debate Thread!

theprof00 said:
nice steven, i was thinking that dems should make that a new slogan. "Vote for That one!"

the other thing he did was talk down to the dude who asked about freddie mac and fannie mae. this black dude, oliver, asked him about it and he said 'Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you probably didn't hear about this before a few weeks ago.'

not cool, dude. you don't talk down to potential voters.

also, the mccains scooted really fast, while the obamas stayed, hung around and talked to the crowd. and after the debate, mccain didn't shake obama's hand, and even pushed cindy to shake his hand. and they were gone. cindy didn't shake anyone's hand. talk about high and mighty.

UPDATE: The McCains bolted 7 minutes after the debate. CSPAN has them leaving at 10:43 p.m. and the Obamas hung around several minutes later.

obama really scored with watchers after mentioning his mom, sick with cancer, fighting insurance companies to get her medical bills paid.

obama won - it wasn't a landslide, but this format was tilted to mccain - and mccain needed a knockout, and really just got an uppercut or two.


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Rath said:
I didn't get to see much of it but what I did see had a tie in the actual debate and an Obama win in body language. He was much more calm and expressive while McCain paced a lot and seemed very tense, particularly moving his arm around very sharply.

Also I'm guessing he won't be saying 'My friends' every few seconds next debate.

I don't see why not.  Saying "My friends" every few seconds has served him well the last 25+ years of his political life.

Anyone who found a problem with it in this debate simply haven't listened to the candidates enough.  Or at least not one of them.


Sam Yikin said:
There's something we can all agree on: Brokaw is a terrible moderator.

I disagree.  He just didn't have the power to enforce anything.  McCain followed the rules like once.  And that was the only time the rules were followed.

The worst part was when Obama invented his own rebuttel rule.  Ridiculious.

All and all it was more he just didn't have the tools though.  Had he been able to shut off mikes mid speach or something.

theprof00 said:

wow is it just me or did mccain insult the fuck out of obama

i seem to remember mccain refer to obama as "that one" at one point. wtf!?!?

Lol, it seems you're right:



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