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Forums - Sony Discussion - TEKKEN 6 Not Coming To PS3! But Bloodline Rebellion Is!.

So TEKKEN 6 is likely to come to 360??

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ahcheng said:
So TEKKEN 6 is likely to come to 360??


likely: no

Unlikely: no

Unknown by anyone at this stage: yes

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

forevercloud3000 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Sony, hence they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.

This !


@ Onyxmeth

You forget Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. (and the ultimate ninja franchise) which is still ps3 exclusive. Even though the newest game was announced this year.

Soul calibur was never ps only. The only game in that franchise that was was soul edge. Infact soul calibur wasn't even on a playstation console. And 2,3 and 4 have all been multi platform.

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
forevercloud3000 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Sony, hence they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.

This !


@ Onyxmeth

You forget Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. (and the ultimate ninja franchise) which is still ps3 exclusive. Even though the newest game was announced this year.

Soul calibur was never ps only. The only game in that franchise that was was soul edge. Infact soul calibur wasn't even on a playstation console. And 2,3 and 4 have all been multi platform.

Sorry about Naruto. They make so many different games in that series I don't where who gets what or when anymore, but do count that in if that's the case.

About Soul Calibur. It went from Dreamcast exclusive, to multiplatform PS2/Xbox/GC for the second and the third was actually exclusive on PS2. Now it's shifted back to multiplatform.

None of this was meant to be proof of Tekken 6 going multiplatform. It was meant to show a trend that Namco is shifting a lot of resources towards the 360 and that could possibly be a reason for Namco to consider it. Also remember there's a built in fanbase on the 360 for Soulcalibur, their sister fighter. My whole point was it may be a little premature of everyone to be looking at this in terms of black and white. "It will not go multiplatform" or "It will be going multiplatform". With the amount of evidence pointing in both directions, let's all just think in terms of grey and keep an open mind to the fact that this could swing either way.

On a personal note, this isn't really a gesture to get this game on the 360. Tekken 6 is a rental at best for me. I'm a Virtua Fighter man since day one. VF fans and Tekken fans don't typically intersect and it's been that way since the beginning.



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

delays.......... thats what i hate in sony

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You really shouldn't hate Sony when it was Namco that decided to delay their game so they could release the newer version. Though, if they plan on giving the arcades a year or so with the Bloodline Rebellion before a console release, it could be a long time before most people get to play this game in the states. Just find an arcade near you that spent 10-30k on a Tekken 6 machine and play it there, it'll probably just be a few hundred mile drive at most.


forevercloud3000 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Sony, hence they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.

I triple this. +1


SnakeEyez said:
hayeya_k said:
Can anyone confirm this ???
what about exclusivity ???

If this is true,, Thank god for that !!!!!!!!!!


Highly doubt it. 360 will prolly get Bloodline Rebellion too unless Sony publishes/ money hatted


Sony and Namco have a exclusivity contract ever since Tekken 2. It's impossible for Tekken 6 to go multiplat but in future it might.

Onyxmeth said:
Staude said:
forevercloud3000 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Sony, hence they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.

This !


@ Onyxmeth

You forget Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. (and the ultimate ninja franchise) which is still ps3 exclusive. Even though the newest game was announced this year.

Soul calibur was never ps only. The only game in that franchise that was was soul edge. Infact soul calibur wasn't even on a playstation console. And 2,3 and 4 have all been multi platform.

Sorry about Naruto. They make so many different games in that series I don't where who gets what or when anymore, but do count that in if that's the case.

About Soul Calibur. It went from Dreamcast exclusive, to multiplatform PS2/Xbox/GC for the second and the third was actually exclusive on PS2. Now it's shifted back to multiplatform.

None of this was meant to be proof of Tekken 6 going multiplatform. It was meant to show a trend that Namco is shifting a lot of resources towards the 360 and that could possibly be a reason for Namco to consider it. Also remember there's a built in fanbase on the 360 for Soulcalibur, their sister fighter. My whole point was it may be a little premature of everyone to be looking at this in terms of black and white. "It will not go multiplatform" or "It will be going multiplatform". With the amount of evidence pointing in both directions, let's all just think in terms of grey and keep an open mind to the fact that this could swing either way.

On a personal note, this isn't really a gesture to get this game on the 360. Tekken 6 is a rental at best for me. I'm a Virtua Fighter man since day one. VF fans and Tekken fans don't typically intersect and it's been that way since the beginning.



It's mostly based on the fact that people expect it not to due to past trends and a contract sony is rumored to have with namco. Neither do they want it too as it's one of the oldest exclusive third party franchises.

The other side is mostly because trends don't last any longer and for some a wish to play it outside of sonys machine.

Atleast that's my take on it. I'm in the first group :P


Check out my game about moles ^

SickleSigh said:
SnakeEyez said:
hayeya_k said:
Can anyone confirm this ???
what about exclusivity ???

If this is true,, Thank god for that !!!!!!!!!!


Highly doubt it. 360 will prolly get Bloodline Rebellion too unless Sony publishes/ money hatted


Sony and Namco have a exclusivity contract ever since Tekken 2. It's impossible for Tekken 6 to go multiplat but in future it might.


lol that guy sounds like an asshole. He claims sony stole everything(they did take the rumble and analog.. but improved them) and that it was their fault that the old cd thing for nintendo didn't go through. He can't blame it all on sony, besides sony had a motion capture device of the likes of the wii in 2003 (on a conceptual basis, i doubt they ever made it into a product or we would have heard of it)

lol just need to rant a little because he seems very uninformed in some aspects or atleast a fanboy of nintendo who only view things one sided. (not saying sony is innocent of everything either, but they certainly aren't as bad as he accused them of being)

Check out my game about moles ^