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Forums - Sony Discussion - What is your PS3 colour??

Mine is the white colour one.. to make it fit my furnitures... i also have 1 more white DS3...

OOO... the last colour is nice...

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I like the blue one, minus the cat like figure on the bottom.

I have a black one, but give an choice, I'd have taken the silver... even though the black is so shiny ^_^

I have a normal black PS3, but I think the Hello Kitty one is better.

Black & Chrome! But a Crimson Rose Red one with some chrome on the side would be elegant aswell.

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If I got a PS3, it would have to be the Hello Kitty one.

black, but that camo PS3 is a skin




Black. It fits with everything I have in my entertainment center (just not the Wii though!).

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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Black, like 99% of the people who own one.

yo post up the pic of the extremely rare red ps3 from japan