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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Real Reason Blu-Ray is struggling to take market share.

all the points were true for the DVD at the beginning.

but in a period of 10 years all pc will come with blu ray and you will be able to buy 25gb disc at less than a dollar.

happen to the cassettes, cds, and now dvds, it will happen to blu ray too.

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dvd been out for what 10+years, just give blu-ray time it'll increase
the price is no doubt a little expensive...

HappySqurriel said:

I think that there were several mistakes made by Blu-Ray that would have made it a much more popular format for most people ...

To demonstrate what I mean consider how more and more people desire video on the go using an iPod (or another device); it would have been fairly easy for the format to support a (somewhat) secure transfer of a lower quality video (480p) from the Blu-Ray disc to a compatible player through USB. In reality, Blu-Ray offers no benefit to these users ...

Realistically, most consumers may not care about DRM but they do want the added convienience features which are (currently) not present in the Blu-Ray format.


What you are referring to; does exist. All new Sony Blu-Rays and some Fox Blu-Rays have this feature.

They call it digital copy

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The biggest obstacles to Blu-Ray adoption is price point , once the Blu-Ray cost the same as the DVD it won't matter that it doesn't offer outstanding benefits in comparison to what the DVD did for VHS owners.

i just talked about this yesterday and i don't feel like giving it another go today.

for a sight dedicated to gaming we certainly talk about movies a lot.

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Blu Ray has a lot of obstacles to overcome ....economic crisis ,high price point for standalone players and movies ,DVD still going strong ,not so many people knowing exactly what Full HD means,HDTV panels being expensive ,etc etc.

Still ,its slowly gaining market share.If someone told us at this time last year when betweeen HD-DVD and BD were at 3-4% that BD would be right now at 12% in some given weeks I dont think anyone would critice it but say it was overly optimistic.If in the coming holidays it can climb some 4-5% and approach 20% it would be really really impressive ,even at 16-18% it would be around expected.DVD didnt surpass VHS until many years in the market.Still ,its the high spending and quality searching people what will drive this market ...and as time goes by BR will be in a better and better shape.THe estimations are for a 2011 take over ....maybe next year it will be at 25% ,2010 at 35-40% and in 2011 over 50% hence the takeover.Its a reasonable estimation.

An other reason.

VHS to DVD... hey i'll buy the movies I already had cause quality is better, it's space saving, and I can't see anything on that old tape anyways.
DVD to Blueray.... hey my DVDs are upscaled... do I want to spend 30$ for something just a bit better?

Even if blue ray players sell tons, the movies won't because only few people will redo their movie collection. New movies, sure, but old ones, no...

In my opinion, BR came too early and with too little... but then again, I doubt 2160p would have made any difference either... people have always been fine with SD...


Since TV shows on DVDs have hit their stride, blue ray has not been able to even dent that part of the market. Not to mention the costs of blue ray players and discs. Blue ray is probably several years away from taking ground away from DVDs.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

i really dont care about blu-ray. i just dont really see the need for it when im fine with what i got right now. for the same reason i dont really care about widescreen/plasma screen/HD or whatever

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


i don't want to upgrade my collection of dvd's does blu ray play regular dvds