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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - GAME retailor confirms further Xbox 360 cut!

This is a GREAT NEWS

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If this is an official price drop then i have a feeling the xbox 360 will go the way of the dream cast.

Garnett said:
If this is an official price drop then i have a feeling the xbox 360 will go the way of the dream cast.



hasn't it sold more already :D?

this would be hilarious though

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Sorry, off topic and mentioned above...


I just don't get it. Do you not ever play together? How much further apart can you be from your kids? It would make more sense to get 1 in a den or gameroom and then just have 3 xbox live id's. That could save you >200 pounds.

Sales assistant is a PS3 fanboy trying to stop you from buying a 360!!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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The console will sell like hotcakes anyway, why lower the price yourself, if it only means you'll be cutting into your own profit? :-/

That would be incredible, Sony would truly have to respond (I still think they have to do something now)

I think we can close the thread ...

bye bye Irishman.

Time to Work !

Damn I hope so, and in the States too. Question to the OP, do you really need 3 X360s? Unless your kids don't live at home?

"Damn I hope so"

==> you will be disapointed.

Time to Work !