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Forums - Sales Discussion - According to current vgcharts data - MGS4 PS3 gain reversed/Q3 victory 360.

Its done.

With the current state of the numbers with the favourable American numbers still to come it looks like the 360 has taken Q3 by a hair. For the Last 13 weeks the average gap between the Xbox 360 and PS3 has been stationary and most/all of the gains made from MGS4 have been erased.

It looks like my signature will finally show positive numbers. What colour would be best to change the numbers to? Green? Blue?

Anyway this will be interesting with the two consoles essentially tied going into q4 2008.

Good luck Microsoft/Sony.


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Still not a huge fan of these bets... but black. Obviously. After watching my stocks, seeing some black numbers will relieve some stress.">">

As time passes by this gen and gamers become frustrated of what game to play FIRST of all these great games that are coming out, we understand why this unofficial (or official?) HD fight favors the gamers themselves first of all.
But yeah, the gap is staying the same or it is widening =)

Has the PS3 been under tracked by VGChartz? I wonder how VGChartz and NPD numbers compare?

Bodhesatva said:

Still not a huge fan of these bets... but black. Obviously. After watching my stocks, seeing some black numbers will relieve some stress.



Black it is.

@ epinefridis: The harder the fight the better for all of us. If they are all competing with everything they have to make their consumers happy and draw new ones then it can only be good for the industry.

Btw I don't think exclusives matter so much anymore - the potential pool of people who might be swayed by one or two games is getting smaller because as time goes as the number of people who would potentially buy a console shrink and because there are always more compelling multiplat games to substitute for most exclusives anyway. Take COD4 as an example, had it not been as good as it was then Halo 3 would have been an even more powerful exclusive than it was otherwise.


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Oh, Squillam. These updates come and go. I wouldn't be surprised to see the numbers moved around again.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

tis a close race. you should go with green because green gives you the right away or green is associated with yoda...yoda uses the force....yoda is a bad ass. so using your prediciton as green makes it a bad ass force using yoda.

Squilliam green instead of pink. Fluorescent pink is painful on my eyes.

markers said:
tis a close race. you should go with green because green gives you the right away or green is associated with yoda...yoda uses the force....yoda is a bad ass. so using your prediciton as green makes it a bad ass force using yoda.



Green is also the Xbox colour, so I guess I can use that for the difference between the 360/PS3 if the Xbox 360 is ahead. Btw - Whats the PS colour?


Squilliam said:
markers said:
tis a close race. you should go with green because green gives you the right away or green is associated with yoda...yoda uses the force....yoda is a bad ass. so using your prediciton as green makes it a bad ass force using yoda.



Green is also the Xbox colour, so I guess I can use that for the difference between the 360/PS3 if the Xbox 360 is ahead. Btw - Whats the PS colour?

Use red for PS.