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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ps3/360 owners how do u decide for multiplatform games.

As the title says how do u decide to get the game for any console.


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If the game doesn't have trophy support I'll get the 360 version.  If it does, I'll usually get whatever is getting better reviews.

If they're about the same the edge usually goes to the 360 because I like the controller better, unless I need an accurate D-Pad of course.

twesterm said:

If the game doesn't have trophy support I'll get the 360 version.  If it does, I'll usually get whatever is getting better reviews.

If they're about the same the edge usually goes to the 360 because I like the controller better, unless I need an accurate D-Pad of course.


 So trophies does mean alot to u or, personally i dont care if it has or not.


If it's single player, I buy PS3.

If it's multiplayer, I check with my friends. If they're getting it, then I buy 360. If not, I buy PS3.

Games like Devil May Cry and GTA, I buy for PS3 regardless of my friends. I know Devil May Cry isn't multiplayer, but even if it was. Some games, to me, belong where they originated. I won't buy it, but if I was getting FFXIII Versus and my friends were as well, it'd be another game they'd have to play without me.

For that matter, lets say hypothetically Gears 3 was multiplat. I'd buy it for 360 unless there was some clear advantage to going PS3. This is a huge hypothetical, because chances are I wouldn't buy Gears 3........oh and it probably won't be multiplat=P

Tbone said:
twesterm said:

If the game doesn't have trophy support I'll get the 360 version.  If it does, I'll usually get whatever is getting better reviews.

If they're about the same the edge usually goes to the 360 because I like the controller better, unless I need an accurate D-Pad of course.


 So trophies does mean alot to u or, personally i dont care if it has or not.

Yes, I like collecting useless points or trophies.  So far I very much prefer achievements because I can see an actual number and guage that person, but that may just be because I've only played a single game with trophy support.


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The versions are usually identical, so I normally get the 360 version. Why? Achievements!! Strange, because my gamerscore is so paultry, but EVERY 360 games adds to my e-penis. The PS3 Trophy system is used so sporadically, that Trophy support doesn't really matter to me. Plus, Xbox Live is my personal preference for multi-player.

Several reasons:

- performance of the games, online and offline (some games run better on PS3, others better on 360)
- Achivements/Trophies
- Exclusive content



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

Don't get me wrong, I like achievements and trophies, but I would never use that for a basis in terms of what platform to buy the game for.

Which is odd, because I prefer good single player games over multiplayer games any day, and the achievements and trophies are geared towards single player (except Halo 3 maybe?). If I'm playing a game that has it, I'll try to unlock them..but if it doesn't, I don't even think about it.

d21lewis said:
The versions are usually identical, so I normally get the 360 version. Why? Achievements!! Strange, because my gamerscore is so paultry, but EVERY 360 games adds to my e-penis. The PS3 Trophy system is used so sporadically, that Trophy support doesn't really matter to me. Plus, Xbox Live is my personal preference for multi-player.


Yeah that....  I also check to see which console my friends are getting it on, but I pretty much try push them for the 360 version.  I like the 360 controler a little better too.  Also, yes the trophy system is a joke on PS3 so that is not a factor.  I have my PS3 for bluray and MGS4.

BAHAHAHA... "e-penis"

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

For me the decision is a lot more easy then for other multi console owners.

My 360 is currently 2 years old and sounds like a helicopter taking off when I insert a disc. I think it might be on it's last legs. So I'll probably be sticking to purchasing future multiplatform games for my PS3.

Things that could change my decision though:

Reviews: If one version scored substantially better than the other.

Controller: I prefer the Dualshock for Sports, Racing and Fighting games. The 360 controller for Shooting games.

Acheivements/Trophies mean absolutely nothing to me.