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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS360 - Wii sales gap by month

After reading the thread that had the gap between the 360 and PS3 graphed out I decided to do the same thing showing the gap between the total sales of the HD consoles and the Wii. Here are the results, and I'll probably keep them updated


All numbers taken from VGChartz hardware comparison charts




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Your pics seem broken. Not sure why....but I'm pretty sure you need to resize them, too.

this is not funny

everybody knows that the gap will increase over months/years ...

Time to Work !

Pictures fixed

Im not exactly sure of the overall significance of this from a sales perspective, as Sony and MS dont share their profits with either other. I do understand it, sort of, from a developer's point, that its easy to make a HD game and port it to the other HD system, whereas the graphical content has to be made differently for the Wii.

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Meh, its a debate that crops up every now and again, whether the Wii will outsell both the other two combined

And it is also of importance for the reason you said - games for the hd console have to be significantly downgraded to play on the Wii, just as Wii games have to be significantly downgraded to play with the HD consoles controllers. So in a sense a developer has a choice of making a game for PS360 or for Wii

libellule said:
this is not funny

everybody knows that the gap will increase over months/years ...


 Really? I didn't know that. I thought it was the oposite way around right now, Wii closing the gap.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

It seems that despite price drops and software releases, the Wii has consistently fared better than the HD consoles.

Getting those last 3 (2.8 percentage points) will be tough though.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


scottie said:
Meh, its a debate that crops up every now and again, whether the Wii will outsell both the other two combined

And it is also of importance for the reason you said - games for the hd console have to be significantly downgraded to play on the Wii, just as Wii games have to be significantly downgraded to play with the HD consoles controllers. So in a sense a developer has a choice of making a game for PS360 or for Wii

So would it be fair then to say that while there is a gap where the Wii outsells the HD systems combined, that it is more lucrative to bypass HD versions of development? I'd imagine due to substantial lower development costs, a larger potential customer base, and having to only pay licensing fees to one console maker that the overhead for Wii development is substantially lower. It would seem that a game needn't reach such a large audience to be profitable, and if it does reach strong sales numbers, then it is all raw profit that can well cover development costs for a future product. At least, that's what I'd take home from my understand of these charts and others provided.


HA HA! You use a mac...

OT: You would think the 'gap' would be increasing, not decreasing as Wii creeps closer to 50% market share.