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Forums - General Discussion - Worst nights sleep?

I would have to say I get my worst sleep now because I just cant get to sleep! the only chance I get to play games is after the wifes tucked into bed so Im up late gaming! But as far as trying to sleep and not being able to, I would have to say when I was little and scared of aliens. But now I know samus and master chief are on the job so I have nothing to fear. hahaha

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Around the Network

try sleeping in a haunted house.
then reply to me.

Had sex with this hot girl, and wasn't able to go for "round 2". She told me to wake her when I was ready. I lay there, spooning her all night waiting for my boy to wake up. He never did! And she was hot!! I swear, that night was 72 hours long. 


I bet she wasn't even asleep.  She probably was laughing at me and my lazy penis all night long.

I had a migrane one night it was the worst migrane I've ever had in my life and there was no pain killers in the house to relieve the pain at all and I had to go through the night with this migrane, so anyway I fell asleep and I woke up a hour later then I couldn't fall asleep because I was in so much pain and I ended up laying in bed for 4 hours and then I fell asleep for a half an hour, then I woke up with the same deal again, and so I layed there in agonizing painuntil 7:00 AM hit then I took off to town to buy some Tylenol, I took about 3 of them and it completely went away for most of the day.

Worst night ever

Girlfriend out of town.... 10 hour painful erection that about sums it up.

Around the Network
GLoRySoGLoRy said:
try sleeping in a haunted house.
then reply to me.


haunted graveyard > haunted house.

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I had a bad sleep last night. I got a big AOE III Lan battle coming up this weekend so I was going over unit atributes and stratergies until 4 in the morning and then I couldnt sleep because I was planning ways to destroy town centers with petards right off the bat and if it would work or if they would just get destroyed and then when I finaly got to sleep I had to wake up 2 hours later cos my sister needed to come over to borow a towel!!! and then after that I got another 2 hours sleep and I had to take my wife to work!!! and then I got 2 more hours sleep and then I had to go to work!!! AHHH!!!! it was insane! AOE III on the brain!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Man...these boner poison stories are depressing but I know how it feels, heh. Worst night of sleep is when I get no sleep at all. Anyone here who is in/has been in college knows what I'm talking about. You end up going almost 3 or more nights with no sleep. A one hour nap does not count. Any art/graphic design major can testify staying up for days trying to meet deadlines and portfolio requirements, but I don't regret it one bit :)

hahahah yes gomezc, hence why now I have a terrible time sleeping. My bed time is like 4 or 5 in the morning, I just cant bring myself to sleep any time before then, even if im dead tired I'm so used to forcing myself to stay awake!!!! UNI HAS WRECKED MY LIFE!!!!! whats your folio like gomezc? you can check mine out at Its a good testament to my many sleepless nights :'( hahahaha

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

SnowWhitesDrug said:
hahahah yes gomezc, hence why now I have a terrible time sleeping. My bed time is like 4 or 5 in the morning, I just cant bring myself to sleep any time before then, even if im dead tired I'm so used to forcing myself to stay awake!!!! UNI HAS WRECKED MY LIFE!!!!! whats your folio like gomezc? you can check mine out at Its a good testament to my many sleepless nights :'( hahahaha

Sweet, a fellow with whom I can relate.  Even now that I'm done with college I still retain my unusual sleep habits, do you?  Nice folio.  It's pretty edgy dude.  Mine's offline; I'm swapping servers now, planning on hosting my site with my own small server.  Sucks forcing yourself to stay awake though...