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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is Microsoft so eager to win Sony?

bdbdbd said:
@yemeaga1n: About your 360 example; doesn't make the 360 in between a little useless?

Brand loyalty is known fact. Instead of asking why Wii beats PS3 in sales, you should ask why PS3 is selling better than 360. That's where you find the brand loyalty. Although, brand loyalty only exists in similar products, and that's when you are able to charge premium and sell as much as competition, who sells it's products cheaper.
Look at cars industry, Daimler-Chrystler charges more than the competion, just like BMW, also Toyota have been upping their prices above most of GM:s and Fords similar products. It's all about brand loyalty and perception.



Its about quality as well.



Take my love, take my land..

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Why are you asking us? MS have already answered this question before

Sony was trying to make the television the centre of home entertainment, MS wants to either keep it as the PC, or make sure that if this happens, it's a MS brand box sitting next to the TV, and that it is completely compatible and communicates with Windows

@Simulacrum: Not quality, but perceived quality.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Because competition is good....otherwise PS3 would still be $599!!

So true... and everybody likes competition. It keeps things moving forward.

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Corporations fighting each other for a piece of the cake (our hard earned money).

News... uh... I guess it was news around the eighteenth century.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Another way to put it would be...

They know they have lost to Nintendo this generation. If they try to sell the 360 as the "family/casual" console they are going to fail worse. So they gotta stick to the image of the "console for the hardcore" and prove that ps3 its not the better choice for that kind of audience.

If everybody in the world has a Wii now (lets supose) because is more healthy, fun for the whole family etc... they want to make sure that the second console (the one for the adult/hardcore/traditional deep games) is the 360 and not the other japanese brand.

What do you think?

Wii_R2_Hardcore said:
Another way to put it would be...

They know they have lost to Nintendo this generation. If they try to sell the 360 as the "family/casual" console they are going to fail worse. So they gotta stick to the image of the "console for the hardcore" and prove that ps3 its not the better choice for that kind of audience.

If everybody in the world has a Wii now (lets supose) because is more healthy, fun for the whole family etc... they want to make sure that the second console (the one for the adult/hardcore/traditional deep games) is the 360 and not the other japanese brand.

What do you think?

Riight...But way I see it Wii is the second console for most of people.



Take my love, take my land..

Simulacrum said:
ymeaga1n said:

Your argument is quite full of holes and humorous. I'll just point out some obvious blunders on your part:

MS decided to join the gaming console industry to crack there way into the household living room. The xbox 360 is as much a media hub as it is a gaming console.

"There was no need?" No need for what? Competition? There is no rules against MS joining the console market. Ford and Toyota can join the console market if they wanted to.

Every corporations duty is to its shareholders, if they deem a project as a proper move for the company's future, it will happen. That's why MS has a reason to sell xbox 360s.

And it is foolish to assume because people go buy a ps3, they are going to go out and by all sony brands from then on.


"MS decided to join the gaming console industry to crack there way into the household living room. The xbox 360 is as much a media hub as it is a gaming console."

DVD-player.Not so much a medua hub.

"Every corporations duty is to its shareholders, if they deem a project as a proper move for the company's future, it will happen. That's why MS has a reason to sell xbox 360s."

Good point.

"And it is foolish to assume because people go buy a ps3, they are going to go out and by all sony brands from then on."

No its not. I have had only Nokias cell phone and Lg:s Pc stuff.I also have Sonys Lcd.

Im no expert so just ingore me if I write something stupid.



I had a conversation with someone (can't remember who, apologies) here about the whole thing about why M$ were in this and why they wanted Sony out (although seemingly didn't mind Nintendo whiping the floor with them).

In the end the conclusion was a few things but mainly that they wanted the PC to be the centre of the living room, while Sony wanted the TV/Media devices. Thing is M$ will fail at that because their attempt at a PC in the living room was the X-box and that was more media then PC. PS2 and X-box had similar pluses. Both had DVD players etc, in the end the PS2 won, not only on price but because of brand, games (both causal and hardcore) and it's general use in the living room (DVD etc). Xbox was too late and far too shooty.

Come this new generation M$ had a head start so have done well with that but with my conversation in the other thread, we came to it that M$ were trying to secure the media centre via downloads while PS3 was still a disc format. To be honest, i think downloads is a bad option at the moment. Yes it's the way forward, but I'd still prefer to have a CD then some completely unphysical and my net connection is not win all, neither is majority of the worlds, people with download limits are screwed as well as slow connections, but a disc is a disc. But it's M$ drive to be that Media centre in the living room that makes them want to win against Sony, nigh on ignoring Nintendo.

Of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn.

Hmm, pie.