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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Comprehensive Console JRPG Thread.

White Knight Chronicles looks awesome.

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superkasei said:
And the best are on X360 (Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean the last hope, and Final Fantasy XIII) i am pretty happy :)


Esos no han sido lanzados, pueden ser malos juegos

Those are not launched yet, they can be bad games.

El lost Odyssey es un excelente juego de hecho te lo recomiendo un buen la verdad es que si esta bien bueno el juego, el Star Ocean es una saga que he seguido desde el 2 en psone asi que te aseguro que va a ser un excelente juego, y los Final Fantasy los he jugado desde el primero (el XI no lo he jugado pero yo tan siquiera lo considero un final fantasy) y he jugado varios remakes el ultimo que jugue fue el final fantasy III en el DS, de hecho solo faltaria uno de los quiero en mi 360, y ese el el Dragon Quest IX, pero ese lo voy a jugar en mi grandiosa DS, y Pokemon tambien esta bien bueno :)


100% Mexican Power

More Wii-RPGs:

Dynamic Slash

Takuto of Magic

And many more after TGS

Magna Carta 2 was rumored to be on 360. But there's nothing exept one article on gamespot.;title;0


Are you going to do a PSP and DS, too?

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Well there are a few new games on these downloadable services, but I get the idea. Anyway the thread is great.

@ okey

Naz is correct, MH3 is no RPG.

Galaki said:
Are you going to do a PSP and DS, too?


No.  That would be nearly impossible given the length of the DS list.  I'm not trying to drive myself crazy.

I've made many requested edits, including labeling each game by genre and adding the two Wii games Tact of Magic (as a sequel to LostMagic which made it to the states a stateside release is likely) and Dynamic Slash, which I have no whether it will have a stateside release or not, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt until I get something saying otherwise.

9 for ps3 and 9 for 360???
i don't wanna hear "sony doesn't deserve the ps3 sales in japan , 360 deserves much better"