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ecurbj said:
Also bro, you should try Nintendogs, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, the Brain Age games, the Castlevania games if your a fan of that series, Disagea DS, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest Heroes, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Mario & Luigi, The World Ends with You, The Phoenix Wright series, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Professor Layton series...and I could go on.

So why quit on a successful platform? Your confusing bro....

Legend of Zelda is another I will try before I leave, but I am not a Nintendogz (played it) or Dragon Quest fan.  But as I said, I will give another couple of RPG's a try before I quit the console.  People in this thread need to bear in mind that I have specified that I havent played that many titles for either platform and am simply pointing out that so far the PSP comes up trumps.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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vlad321 said:
Why should anyone give a damn about your opinion is what I want to know....

Er?  I gave my opinion, you are not required to care about it.  But if you have nothing nice or constructive to say..........


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Onyxmeth said:

Your opinion is a valid one starcraft but I do need to point out something odd. You still play Pokemon on a Gameboy Pocket and yet you didn't give the DS Pokemon game a chance? Seems like you didn't really give the handheld a fair shake, as you weren't playing the games that may interest you most. It seems you like turn based RPGs the most out of JRPG styles, and yet you used some odd hybrid RPG thing like Revenant Wings to judge the DS with.

Nothing I said should take away from the PSP though. That's an awesome little handheld in it's own right.

I haven't given any Pokemon game since the first generation of Pokemon a fair shake.  They just haven't appealed to me.  One thing you did point out is valid too me though.  I will try another of the FF's on DS before I make any permanent decisions regarding which console to keep. 

But I do REALLY want to play Jeanne De Ark.


I hadn't played a Pokemon since since Pokemon Yellow, but when I broke down and got Diamond, I played it for 50 hours in only a week!

It was the most addictive game I played in quite some time, and I think only LBP will pass it up (the beta ROCKS!).


Jo21 said:
starcraft you like to forget the ps3 and killzone 2 exist :P

Oh you already own your copy do you?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

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Great post outlaw!

Anyway the PSP and DS are great for their own reasons, PSP has the ability to have very similar experiences to the PS2 console games, the draw back to that is most games like that max out the game disc rather fast and are short. DS is limited in what it can do but it has fun inventive games, great for stop and go gaming, what most people would use a portable system to do, and games like FFIV still have the epic story of console type games. PSP has the advantage of being a media device until the DSi comes out, but then again that's never been a selling point to me as I can do everything the PSP can with my DS including play movies and music.

Really what is great is both have very different games, DS does have the advantage of having more quick burst games which is what most people want/need from their portable, but both consoles have a little of both short burst games and epic experience games.

So PSP >>>>> DS? Hardly. PSP = DS yes because they both have their own advantages that appeal to different tastes or appeal to people that hate every type of game equally (like I've said before it's what I hate the least) IE me, will like both consoles cause they need to seek out those rare games that are worthy of praise.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

Look at the bold, italicized, and underlined word in my quote of Outlaw's post.

Then look at my name.


makingmusic476 said:
|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

Look at the bold, italicized, and underlined word in my quote of Outlaw's post.

Then look at my name.

Over a year here, a mod and everything, and people still don't care who you are.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

makingmusic476 said:
|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

Look at the bold, italicized, and underlined word in my quote of Outlaw's post.

Then look at my name.


This crap thread was worth it just for this reply.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:
|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

Look at the bold, italicized, and underlined word in my quote of Outlaw's post.

Then look at my name.

Over a year here, a mod and everything, and people still don't care who you are.



Or they hold me in such high regard as to confuse me with an admin.  ;)

But tbh, him confusing me with naz is quite funny.  Outlaw and I live pretty close to each other, and we've often theorized about meeting up one day.  We know each other pretty well by this point (by internet standards), so the fact that he confused me with anybody is prett LOL worthy.