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Forums - General Discussion - if you could live in any country, where would it be?

-Japan (no need to explain. Japan is...Japan)
-Monaco (Imagine having an apartment there)

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My first thought went to france, but that's probably because my girlfriend lives there and I miss her. France is really great if you can stand the horrible public employees and the fact that French only speak French. Never english or anything else. Just french. Otherwise it's a fantastic country ;)

Japan is also cool. REALLY cool. It's terribly expensive and not always welcoming to foreigners, but who cares when the have Shigeru Miyamoto and awesome Anime on TV almost every night.

I'm also partial to Sweden. But that's just because I'm swedish.

This is invisible text!


'nuff said

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

japan france or the holanda :P
i love to go once to brazil too

can i just ask why Ireland and not England?

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TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Canada and most of Europe have more freedom than the U.S. if you're talking about personal freedoms, but I think you care more about financial freedoms than a lot of people, so I don't know where to recommend.


being I am required to work for my money, the more of my money (time) you take, the more of my personal freedom you take.

So to me, taking money from me that goes to programs I can not take advantage of, is taking personal freedoms.


I will look into Australia :)

Since you mention taking time as taking personal freedom, it should be said that you have a lot more free time in many European countries.

The working hours are generally much lower than in the US, and vacation periods are often twice as long (or more).


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For me it would be between Australia/New Zealand

Finland FTW!