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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit Visuals: Umm.... Damn!

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Viper1 said:

It's not so much that we're comparing them to PS3/X360 but many people and media, and even developers, claimed Wii simply coudln't do those things.  This is why The Conduit's graphics are getting so much recognition because according to so many the Wii isn't supposed to be able to do that.

Remember that one developer claiming Wii couldn't do shaders?  While we do enjoy gameplay over graphics, it still sucks to hear bullshit comments like that and then ahve a million fanboys repeat it over and over again.  So that when a game like the Contuit comes along, it's not just about it actually looking good but feeding the morons a nice helping of crow meat.



As for the X360/PS3 comparisons, blame that on the media.  How many articles have you read that have line like, "At first I thought it was an X360 game" somewhere in it?   Because those guys have had hands on expereince with the game, many Wii gamers have taken their word for it (just like many X360/PS3 gamers took the media and developers word for it that Wii couldn't do shaders).


I hope that helps make sense of things for you.





That's the truth, but articles like IGN's E3 The Conduit hand's on article talk about people walking by and asking them if it was a 360 game.  And when compared to the early 360 games which were essentailly just barely upgraded Xbox games most of the time it does look like a 360 game cause essentially Wii is a upgrade from Xbox.  Get it?  People saw similar graphics early in 360's life so people see The Conduit and at a quick glance it could come off as HDish graphics.

It's not a 360 or PS3 game by any means but people like to bash people that bring up that fact, but honestly if you got anyone that had never heard of the Conduit let them walk past it randomly on a show floor usually they'll ask if it's a 360 game until they see someone playing with a Wii remote.  Not to mention the fact that most of these people are also used to seeing the Wii games looking barely upgraded from GC/PS2.

I've never seen someone seriously say it was as good as a 360 game but it is a good point to make that it has been confused for a 360 game cause that means the Wii can do a lot more then so called "experts" in the field have said, which most likely is an excuse to not push the hardware and also so they can peddle their shovelware without backlash.  Anyway it's a great looking Wii game and people should quit hounding it, it's got some polish left to go, if it's going to be anything it should be constructive saying what it needs to improve on instead of saying the game looks like "meh" "ass" "average" "crap" etc that isn't adding anything to the discussion at all.


I'm not saying that can't be because of the improved visual quality over other Wii games, but another possible reason some people may have mistaken it for a 360 game is just because of the shooter stereotype the xbox brand has.  Some people see aliens, guns, explosions, and think xbox because that's the type of game all of its marquee games are.

We have no way of knowing exactly what those passersby were thinking and why, so let's keep in mind that there could be other reasons for the mistake.

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De85 said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Viper1 said:

It's not so much that we're comparing them to PS3/X360 but many people and media, and even developers, claimed Wii simply coudln't do those things.  This is why The Conduit's graphics are getting so much recognition because according to so many the Wii isn't supposed to be able to do that.

Remember that one developer claiming Wii couldn't do shaders?  While we do enjoy gameplay over graphics, it still sucks to hear bullshit comments like that and then ahve a million fanboys repeat it over and over again.  So that when a game like the Contuit comes along, it's not just about it actually looking good but feeding the morons a nice helping of crow meat.



As for the X360/PS3 comparisons, blame that on the media.  How many articles have you read that have line like, "At first I thought it was an X360 game" somewhere in it?   Because those guys have had hands on expereince with the game, many Wii gamers have taken their word for it (just like many X360/PS3 gamers took the media and developers word for it that Wii couldn't do shaders).


I hope that helps make sense of things for you.





That's the truth, but articles like IGN's E3 The Conduit hand's on article talk about people walking by and asking them if it was a 360 game.  And when compared to the early 360 games which were essentailly just barely upgraded Xbox games most of the time it does look like a 360 game cause essentially Wii is a upgrade from Xbox.  Get it?  People saw similar graphics early in 360's life so people see The Conduit and at a quick glance it could come off as HDish graphics.

It's not a 360 or PS3 game by any means but people like to bash people that bring up that fact, but honestly if you got anyone that had never heard of the Conduit let them walk past it randomly on a show floor usually they'll ask if it's a 360 game until they see someone playing with a Wii remote.  Not to mention the fact that most of these people are also used to seeing the Wii games looking barely upgraded from GC/PS2.

I've never seen someone seriously say it was as good as a 360 game but it is a good point to make that it has been confused for a 360 game cause that means the Wii can do a lot more then so called "experts" in the field have said, which most likely is an excuse to not push the hardware and also so they can peddle their shovelware without backlash.  Anyway it's a great looking Wii game and people should quit hounding it, it's got some polish left to go, if it's going to be anything it should be constructive saying what it needs to improve on instead of saying the game looks like "meh" "ass" "average" "crap" etc that isn't adding anything to the discussion at all.


I'm not saying that can't be because of the improved visual quality over other Wii games, but another possible reason some people may have mistaken it for a 360 game is just because of the shooter stereotype the xbox brand has.  Some people see aliens, guns, explosions, and think xbox because that's the type of game all of its marquee games are.

We have no way of knowing exactly what those passersby were thinking and why, so let's keep in mind that there could be other reasons for the mistake.


That would also mean they don't really think more typical Wii games look worse. They just associate the art direction and just assume it's worse because they are told.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

FJ-Warez said:
I don´t like the water :S, other than that looks ok :P


I think the video quality killed the water exhibition.  In person it had full reflection and refraction and interacted when you walked through it or shot it.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Just a thought on AI stuff. Nothing in this day and age should be below Quake 4 as far as AI goes. There's just no reason for it. Im not saying this is the case in the Conduit, just a general thought on game AI.

WHILE graphics are not that important for a game, the game play is the most important.

the overall package is a blending of all elements . gameplay graphics and sound

if one of the three doesn't blend well, people complain.

for most FPS's for the wii

the gameplay has been excellent, the sound has been good, the graphics have been poor even by last gen standards.

no wii game should look worse than the best of last gen's games of a similar genre- unless delibrat3ly going for a retro look (see megaman )

to date only a handful of games- 3rd party- have looked as good as or better than the best ps2 games


The Conduit and COD:WaW seem to be upping the bar on the graphics dept. and The Conduit seems to be upping the bar in gameplay/control dept..

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nintendo fanboys will kill me for saying this but the graphics of the conduit have just gone down since the first trailers.

When I first saw them they looked like 360 graphics and slowly but surely they have come down to the level of an average wii game

yoyo said:
nintendo fanboys will kill me for saying this but the graphics of the conduit have just gone down since the first trailers.

When I first saw them they looked like 360 graphics and slowly but surely they have come down to the level of an average wii game

Kill you, hah.  Call you absolutely blind, yes.



Are you trying to tell me it looks worse now than this.....?




The rEVOLution is not being televised

Conduit looks great ... for a Wii game. But come on! 90% of PS3/360 games looks better if you compare them only graphically.

Showertea said:


Just watch the video.

While these graphics are hardly Gears of War quality, it's leagues above anything I've seen on the Wii before (Although the water at the end looked kinda bad)

I think that this game is going to change the landscape of Wii third parties drastically, as it'll be harder to get away with PS2-era graphics. Also, I don't think ordinary consumers on a SD-television will be able to tell the difference between this and 360/PS3 level graphics.

Don't be ridiculous.

I play both my 360 and PS3 on a SD TV. The difference between the visuals of the video you posted for The Conduit and your average PS3/360 game is huge. They're really in different leagues. Besides, plenty of PS3/360 games look amazing regardless of HD.

The only consumers not going to be able to tell the difference between The Conduit and PS3/360 level graphics are consumers with some sort of visual impairment.

I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, and I think The Conduit looks like a lot of fun (FPS + Aliens is a good mix), but comments like that are just absurd.


BrayanA said:
Conduit looks great ... for a Wii game. But come on! 90% of PS3/360 games looks better if you compare them only graphically.



So what? This thread is not about the Wii vs the PS360, is about The Counduit a Wii game...

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