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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PC World's 10 Most Overrated Products Vs Underrated: Wii Mentioned ...

Chrizum said:
Million said:

I personaly think the PSP is seriously underated . I'm scared of giving my opinion of the Wii on these forums so i'll stay shut about that.


edit I meant PSP but still PS3 is underated too.

It's not the opinion that matters it's how you word it. If you can tell us your opinion about the Wii using valid arguments and without trying to offend people, no rational being would flame you.

Try it!

LMAO, that's one of the funniest posts I've ever'd you get so many posts while still thinking that way?


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bouzane said:
Roma said:
Shadowblind said:

Agree with article, despite liking the Wii. I also agree with the rest of the article as well.


 Are you crazy how can you agree? where are the unique titles for the psp? loco roco(sp?)


Patapon, Crush, Echocrome and Dead Head Fred are fantastic handheld games that shouldn't be overlooked by anybody who calls themself a gamer.

Never really cared about the psp so never heard of them but the way the article goes it makes it like the psp is the real innovation and the Wii is nothing new :P  



    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(


I laughed when they said blue-ray was better then streaming video.

So the PSP has unique games? like what?

Loco Roco, Crush, Patapon, Dead Head Fred and Echocrome are a few good examples. My game collection wouldn't be complete without my PSP.

Oh its

That explains it.

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PSP is overrated. It's basically a portable device that wants to show people that it can do lots of stuff that looks really really cool. Then they get it and a few months later get bored with it. I know a lot of people who have given up on their PSPs after being excited about it for about 3-5 months. It's basically a mismatch between theory and practice.

There was a time when Nintendo consoles were ignored or just called Kiddy, main stream press didn't give it much attention and any game that did get attention found it's way to multiplatform and everyone kept quite... back then I could browse the web for codes and info on my favorite games on a Nintendo or fansite without ever hearing about how great X platform was over Y... unless it was Microsoft vs Sony of course... I miss the days of the GC. V_V

Underrated... the controversy the OP and the article seeked to generate was made so obvious... what was the quota, how is the Wii over rated? How is the PSP underrated? Underrated by who? Sales? 33 million is a lot of PSP's when will it be overrated? If not sales then how is it underrated? Maybe all the skype in the world and playing your PS3 while in transit just isn't worth it to whoever chose not to buy it... maybe that means it's underrated.

Also why is number 2 explained when number is well.. number 1...

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

What's wrong with thinking the Wii is overrated? It's just an opinion. I personally think it is overrated, too. The PSP is underrated but I can't complain too much because this is the first time a rival handheld wasn't COMPLETELY pwned by a game boy (I call all Nintendo handhelds game boys lol)

Sorry but I can't agree with anything on this list... Anyways MSN is overrated (see what I did there?). I was thinking of telling my full opinion about the PSP (okay system but nothing special) but won't say more or some Sony buttkissers could say that I'm trolling. *Sigh*

People seem to think that if it's popular it's overrated and if it's not it's underrated... Totally illogical. And I hate when people get blinded by products because of the brand. It's idiotic.

Phrancheyez said:
Chrizum said:
Million said:

I personaly think the PSP is seriously underated . I'm scared of giving my opinion of the Wii on these forums so i'll stay shut about that.


edit I meant PSP but still PS3 is underated too.

It's not the opinion that matters it's how you word it. If you can tell us your opinion about the Wii using valid arguments and without trying to offend people, no rational being would flame you.

Try it!

LMAO, that's one of the funniest posts I've ever'd you get so many posts while still thinking that way?


Hey, I didn't say he wouldn't get flamed, just not by rational people!