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There was a time when Nintendo consoles were ignored or just called Kiddy, main stream press didn't give it much attention and any game that did get attention found it's way to multiplatform and everyone kept quite... back then I could browse the web for codes and info on my favorite games on a Nintendo or fansite without ever hearing about how great X platform was over Y... unless it was Microsoft vs Sony of course... I miss the days of the GC. V_V

Underrated... the controversy the OP and the article seeked to generate was made so obvious... what was the quota, how is the Wii over rated? How is the PSP underrated? Underrated by who? Sales? 33 million is a lot of PSP's when will it be overrated? If not sales then how is it underrated? Maybe all the skype in the world and playing your PS3 while in transit just isn't worth it to whoever chose not to buy it... maybe that means it's underrated.

Also why is number 2 explained when number is well.. number 1...

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D