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Forums - Sales Discussion - Who will win Fifa week this week?

So far PS3 is winning before 360: PAL Charts, Week 40: FIFA 09 takes over Europe

Well, only Netherlands chart avalible so far but more will come next week.

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I think the PS3 version has a small chance of topping the PS2 version, but most likely it'll be PS2>=PS3>>360>>Wii>=PSP>>>DS. We have to see, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the PS3 version outsells the PS2 version. Both versions will outsell the others, that's a given


Should be pretty tight between the top 3 with Wii giving a decent amount as well.


PS2 version will win

Well looking back at the charts FIFA 08 was as follows for the 4:

PS2- 330k
PS3- 161k
360- 155k
Wii- 34k

As we can see PS2 still had a pretty big lead and Ps3 was over 360. Of course that was Halo week so whatev. My buess is 360 should stay pretty consistent with about another 160k for its opener while Ps3 should increase to about 250k on its opener. While PS2 should drop to about 250k but probably marginally better than PS3.

Wii should do a hell of a lot better considering. Probably start off at about 75k-100k. Overall the only reason the 360 version won't drop too much is given the recent stuff surrounding it but it'll probably drop off quicker than the other versions in the chart.

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does only even know the real numbers for fifa 08?

It'll be close all round but PS2 and PS3 will both beat 360 but clsoe due to 360 in UK.

Hmm, pie.

Fifa 08 sold 1,391,435 units in UK in 2007 (by Chart-Track).

In Italy Fifa 08 debuted with 24.5k for PS2, 8,5k for PS3 and 6k for X360. As of April 27th PS2 version had sold 227.450 units, PS3 64.950 and X360 31.050 (by GFK Italia).