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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 special-edition Zune

This looks nice, but its too bad I don't have the money.

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I never understood the appeal in paying more for the same functionality just because it's "branded." Yea, yea, it includes 244 pieces of Gears of War 2 media, but I'd rather just save the $30 premium and spend it towards something like Gears of War 2 than on an etching and some media, no matter how exclusive that media is.

bobobologna said:

I never understood the appeal in paying more for the same functionality just because it's "branded." Yea, yea, it includes 244 pieces of Gears of War 2 media, but I'd rather just save the $30 premium and spend it towards something like Gears of War 2 than on an etching and some media, no matter how exclusive that media is.


The same reason you but different kinds of food.

Some stuff appeal to "you" more than others.