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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony

To say that Microsoft as a whole is a greater company simply by revenue and the success of the 360 is simply opinion. Microsoft is indeed a great company in general but doesn't have the same influence in the movie and music industry as Sony does.

With the recent buyout of BMG, they now assert more control over multiple labels across the world. Their movie division raked in more than 8 billion in '07, and although their cell phone division is no motorola, it still holds it's own.

As diverse and dynamic as sony style products are, Sony is by no means inferior to Microsoft, as most of their revenue come from software sales.

Plus if Microsoft is so great, they wouldn't be spending so much money fighting multi-national anti-trust suits against entire countries.

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"Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony"

Because MS managed to sell a broken and noisy console to 20 Mio. people? MS is technically a crap company but they now how to marketing.

Sony killed Sega and now Microsoft want to kill Sony.......... Thats what "corporations" with big fat wallets do.....    I say let them slug it out (Come on microsoft, avenge Sega for me)

They're both as bad as each other

Nintendo/Sega...... Gaming Legends

Microsoft/Sony...... Corporation wannabes

arent all corporations evil or something...jezus!
never thought id see the day when ppl would be calling M$ great.. sorry folks but the last great thing m$ did was release windows XP n that was over 5 yrs ago... for SONY it would be the PSP and that sweet sweet USB port :)

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business


Your Chronic commmand of the English language gave us all a good laugh here in London.

What a title !

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Ronster316 said:

Sony killed Sega and now Microsoft want to kill Sony.......... Thats what "corporations" with big fat wallets do.....    I say let them slug it out (Come on microsoft, avenge Sega for me)

They're both as bad as each other

Nintendo/Sega...... Gaming Legends

Microsoft/Sony...... Corporation wannabes


Sony didn't kill Sega.  Sega killed Sega.

Cypher1980 said:

Your Chronic commmand of the English language gave us all a good laugh here in London.

What a title !


dude, I was tired when I wrote I meant to say opposed

Title: "Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony"

Should be: "Why Microsoft is such a great company as opposed to Sony"

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is the competitive edge that microsoft has not made a dime on xbox franchise?

thread = super epic fail.. mainly because the OP tried to pass on opinion as fact... I enjoy both companies equally.. they both would screw me out my money first chance



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