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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony

psrock said:
I don't know why you guys are taking offense from this thread. Believe it or not, MS is a much bigger and better company than Sony. Sony is not the same anymore, they make a lot of products, but they're not leading on any of them. In the consumer electronic Industry, Samsung is kicking their ass. In the Cellphone business, They might just give up. MS is ways ahead of Sony in terms of capital and revenues. I mean, I love the PlayStation brand and Sony products, but they have lost a lot of steam to more potent companies.


 Now, I know anecdotal evidence doesn't usually mean much, but I have noticed an overwhelming dominance of Sony phones, like, 80% of people I know own one.

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SamuelRSmith said:
psrock said:
I don't know why you guys are taking offense from this thread. Believe it or not, MS is a much bigger and better company than Sony. Sony is not the same anymore, they make a lot of products, but they're not leading on any of them. In the consumer electronic Industry, Samsung is kicking their ass. In the Cellphone business, They might just give up. MS is ways ahead of Sony in terms of capital and revenues. I mean, I love the PlayStation brand and Sony products, but they have lost a lot of steam to more potent companies.


 Now, I know anecdotal evidence doesn't usually mean much, but I have noticed an overwhelming dominance of Sony phones, like, 80% of people I know own one.


they have X1 coming up, but they lost tons of market share and money lately.


 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

This was a good fail thread.

Needs moar cats.

I'm gonna save this thread with cats:

how is it full of fail?

jerseyboy609 said:
how is it full of fail?

VGChartz clearly states in its rules that any person whosoever states that Sony is lower in any form to another company, regardless of how true it is or not, and regardless of whether it is opinion or fact, is not welcome to and/or failed to be a biased Sony Defense Force member and/or dedicated member of these forums, and thus shall be labelled an outcast and complete failure until reproval to the ways of the Sony.

Really man, you oughta know these things. :)


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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so they release a rushed console with RRoD a year ahead and that makes them better? I'd say the better company solves the problems...THEN releases the console.

Secondly better exclusives is all based on personal preference. I don't like gears of war, mass effect, or bioshock. Halo was good, but not "epic" like some people think. And Forza 2 is not even close to Gran Turismo 5.

Thirdly PSN is pretty much par with XBL, or you could argue XBL is a bit better. For $60/year shouldn't it be notably better?

Shadowblind said:
jerseyboy609 said:
how is it full of fail?

VGChartz clearly states in its rules that any person whosoever states that Sony is lower in any form to another company, regardless of how true it is or not, and regardless of whether it is opinion or fact, is not welcome to and/or failed to be a biased Sony Defense Force member and/or dedicated member of these forums, and thus shall be labelled an outcast and complete failure until reproval to the ways of the Sony.

Really man, you oughta know these things. :)



Im a sorry that I have a life

u r the funniest person on vgchartz hahahaha nearly all your posts make me laugh man

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


Shadowblind said:
jerseyboy609 said:
how is it full of fail?

VGChartz clearly states in its rules that any person whosoever states that Sony is lower in any form to another company, regardless of how true it is or not, and regardless of whether it is opinion or fact, is not welcome to and/or failed to be a biased Sony Defense Force member and/or dedicated member of these forums, and thus shall be labelled an outcast and complete failure until reproval to the ways of the Sony.

Really man, you oughta know these things. :)



Dood thats for nintendo.

disolitude said:
321tttrini4everz said:

fail fail fail.....i don't even know where to start

i do beleive you own a 360 alone (not a PS3)


m$ such a great company ??? (360) disk trays jamming, scratching disks, have a thing for faulty hardware huh?

I've seen jerseyboy609 post many times pro-ps3...

Also, disk trays jamming, scratching disks and RROD have nothing to to with company's desire to be number 1. they are still ahed of Sony despite all those issues...Imagine those issues didn't happen...and microsoft was investing the same amount in its gaming division. Sony wouldn't even be close...


Don't u think that for those things to not have happened, MS would have had to launch the 360 later, possibly a year later, negating their first year head start which would make Sony even closer if not on top?

Yes, Microsoft has a lot going for them. When they first entered the market with the first X-box, it was their declaration of dominance. It is really just a matter of time before Microsoft does anything it has to do to own the gaming monopoly.

All Sony can do is watch it happen, but damn they can do it in style!

I do believe Sony will finish in 2nd this gen though. And this thread is absolutely premature in the grand scheme of things. Silly IMO.

Microsoft was dieing, now they can maintain sales with the double priced Sony product. Hurray?

Avatars and new dashboard are recognized universally as direct knock-offs aren't they?

@OP why would you list games that you bought for your friend? To me the games listed within YOUR profile should probably represent the games that you actually own.
This would represent a collection.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.