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Forums - Sales Discussion - I figured out why the Wii's attach rate is lower than it could be

The simple answer is that the Wii is selling at such a high pace that the ratio is always gonna be low while selling like this.

Lets say console A has 500 owners.
console B has 500 owners.

Now if everyone buys 1 game the attach rate is 1 game per system.

Now next week console A sells 0 systems
console B sells 500 systems

Everyone with a system buys 1 more game, and new owner buy 1 game.

System A has 1000 games & 500 systems, so attach rate is 2:1
System B has 1500 games & 1000 systems, so attach rate is 1.5:1.

The second system is selling more consoles every week so that is gonna bring down the ratio.

And also think of this. Most here are hardcore so probably more games bought than me. But at end of gamecube time I had about 35 games. so my attach ratio was 35:1. I got the system with like 3 games cause christmas time. But otherwise buy a game maybe once every other month or 3rd month. So give the system time. The longer a system out, obviously the attach ratio goes up, and the slower it is selling system wise each month helps attach ratio as well.

THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS is how much of "companies" software is selling. Who cares if your attach ratio is 60% if your system only has 1 million consoles. While another game has an attach ratio of 20% with 20 million consoles.

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coasterlove said:

I'm lost if this thread was meant to be serious or a joke???


I'll treat it if it was serious. A big reason the Wii's attach rate might be considered low is because the Wii keeps selling. Any new Wii console sold is to a new customer who obviously won't have a lot of games and bring down the Wii attach rate. Now if you look at game sales, you will see that people are buying games. They sold a little over 300,000 systems and nearly 2 million games. And that was a regular week, imagine Christmas time sales. When the generation comes close to ending, you'll see the Wii with an attach rate of no less than 15 games.


Welcome to VGChartz. One day, they'll get around to adding this to the official forum rules:

Never trust anybody with a Kim Possible avatar.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

RolStoppable said:
CT ifer said:

The problem isn't that the gamers are casual. This 'problem' you're pointing out about hardcore gamers are because the games themselves are casual. They're a series of mini-games that are created simply to show off the Wiimote technology for the most part. Hardcore gamers (myself included - 33k gamerscore, I'd consider that fairly hardcore) are looking for something different than the Wii offers.

I own a Wii. I also only own 2 games for it - one of them bought simply for the 2nd controller. Absolutely nothing else has interested me on that console...

The only reason I'm keeping mine now is for when my not-yet-two-year-old daughter is old enough. Wii games will appeal just fine to her. Maybe playing along with her will actually make me think these games are fun. But if I'm on my couch ready to game, I grab for the 360 controller over the Wii controller every single time.


When and why did you buy a Wii? Which game got you interested in the system? It's not Wii Play, so it's probably Wii Sports. But I can't say it for sure, because many people often exclude Wii Sports when they talk about their Wii games since it's coming bundled with the system.


I bought it in Janaury of 07. If we don't include Wii Sports, then count me as having bought 1 game. I just figured sine Wii Sports is considered as a sale on here, I'd include it in my list.

I bought a Wii because I'm an avid gamer.  I just didn't realize I would care so little about it.

CTifer said:
RolStoppable said:
CT ifer said:

The problem isn't that the gamers are casual. This 'problem' you're pointing out about hardcore gamers are because the games themselves are casual. They're a series of mini-games that are created simply to show off the Wiimote technology for the most part. Hardcore gamers (myself included - 33k gamerscore, I'd consider that fairly hardcore) are looking for something different than the Wii offers.

I own a Wii. I also only own 2 games for it - one of them bought simply for the 2nd controller. Absolutely nothing else has interested me on that console...

The only reason I'm keeping mine now is for when my not-yet-two-year-old daughter is old enough. Wii games will appeal just fine to her. Maybe playing along with her will actually make me think these games are fun. But if I'm on my couch ready to game, I grab for the 360 controller over the Wii controller every single time.


When and why did you buy a Wii? Which game got you interested in the system? It's not Wii Play, so it's probably Wii Sports. But I can't say it for sure, because many people often exclude Wii Sports when they talk about their Wii games since it's coming bundled with the system.


I bought it in Janaury of 07. If we don't include Wii Sports, then count me as having bought 1 game. I just figured sine Wii Sports is considered as a sale on here, I'd include it in my list.

I bought a Wii because I'm an avid gamer.  I just didn't realize I would care so little about it.

mind if i ask what the other game is? this might be your problem with the wiis lineup, if you've only tried one game other than the techdemo that was packed with the wii

EDIT: btw, it just seems this way from the way i'm reading your posts, but the avatar suits the way you type - is that you?

theprof00 said:

hhahahah cry your crocodile tears u retard!

ot:u must've known i was jk :P

How could Rol know you were j/k? The poor sap totally lacks any sense of humor and sarcasm so he can't help but take everything literally.

OT: 8 retail games (would be more but I am buying cheap second hand xbox 1 games to save some money to buy a gaming computer in a few months) so I have a few too many games to be considered hardcore and too few to be a true casual player

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


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Sri Lumpa said:
theprof00 said:

hhahahah cry your crocodile tears u retard!

ot:u must've known i was jk :P

How could Rol know you were j/k? The poor sap totally lacks any sense of humor and sarcasm so he can't help but take everything literally.

OT: 8 retail games (would be more but I am buying cheap second hand xbox 1 games to save some money to buy a gaming computer in a few months) so I have a few too many games to be considered hardcore and too few to be a true casual player

well the way i saw it, rol quoted me on something i didn't even realize i said. (because it was a joke)

at the same time i was arguing with someone about something that they said previously. I felt like he was belittling my argument with a similar argument against me. I dunno. When I kid i don't pay close attention to what I am saying. Some people do apparently. He made my "you said this" argument fall flat on it's face for something I thought was a joke..