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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I'm going to make those stupid Trailbrazer cry !
Finally got into the NBA on a 10 days contract for the Bucks and for the first game against the Cavaliers I scored 18 pts and was the best guy on my team by far !( best scorer accross both teams actually..)

Sadly the stupid coach had me play at SF the last 2 minutes while I am a SG and Lebron owned my ass on two key plays and we lost by 3 pts :(((

Sad thing is I will never get the trophy to survive training camp on this guy as you only get one shot..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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@kyliedog im sure i warned you of THAT trophy? failing that i swear it was mentioned by someone else warning you :|

@yoko come on its better as know people can't survive on hannah montana and what ever else they find in the disney bargain bin, plus your on the list should be happy anyway and it rewards other peoples efforts like solid raiden and tbone with there plats

@hideok so let down by you for being such an easy platinum hunter im a whole 0.02 ahead of you....should be ashamed :P

Yokimoto said:
Platinum leaderboard is ridiculous, no offence arcturus. Ashley has 31 plats, Aildiin has 24. Its stupid for Aildiin to be top if he has 7 platinums less. Its 'platinum' leaderboard not 'whoever has platted more harder games leaderboard'. If you want to keep the latter leaderboard involved, please do it separately to the 'platinum leaderboard'.

U are taking this way to serious. Its just extra to show ur avg plat difficulty dosen´t mean u should stop get plat on ur games.



haha. I know right I'm just as surprised by this 0.02 as you are. Guess I've played one too many 1's...
I really need to get some 4's. You have at least one 4 with Killzone 2 right?

Thats awesome that you cancelled Terminator Salvation off your gamefly queue because of the new ranking system. I know the league has enticed me to play some games in the past that I wouldn't have otherwise checked out. But now I barely have enough time to keep up with all of the games I want to play, so no more bad games for me.... especially if they are a 1... only bad 4-5 star games from now on!! hehe j/k

Sounds like the NBA2K manager wasn't going to sign you up after the first camp anyway no matter how well you played. Might be a scripted event to get a 10 day contract from another team first to work your way up the ranks to a NBA superstar.

Also, regarding Tekken 6, I gotta say I'm overall disappointed. The only positive is the 1v1 versus fighting engine is actually improved upon for arcade modes since the last time I played Tekken DR. Finally beat 10 people in a row on survivor mode too for the trophy which was very satisfying after losing on #8, #9, and #10 a bunch of times. Made it to #15 the final time. My main disappointment though comes with the Tekken scenario campaign mode where practically all of the trophies are based. What was Namco thinking when they designed this archaic story mode and made it the games main focus with trophies. While I think its better this way for my chances for platinum than getting all 10-hit combos or 1000 online ranked wins I would rather have more 1v1 versus trophies and a more reasonable 100 online ranked wins. Hopefully, I'll team up for online co-op with a friend to make the scenario campaign mode more enjoyable.

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Tekken 6 is very disappointing and the scenario does not belong in Tekken. I gave up on the platinum for this game because I could not beat Nancy. I only need to hit Nancy one more time to beat her and my game froze and im now short one controller. lol

PSN ID: getrdone25

Damn, that sucks getrdone. I remember having problems with games that almost made me break controllers in the past. I remember this one time when I was close to beating the final boss in Legend of Dragoon on PS1. I finally manage to beat him and get ready to sit back to watch the ending. The only problem was my disc skipped and it skipped like most of the ending. I wasn't going to fight the boss again, either, since it takes like 45-60 minutes to beat it...

@getrdone damn that is shit, iv gone through 5 so far :( when will they release a steel pad lol

@hideok i shouldnt be seen talking to lesser ranked platinum average people like you could corrupt me from my 4 star games lol..... yeah killzone 2 is now my little gem
though must steal back my copy of prototype off my brother and once i clear my backlog of games i really want sacred 2 so hopefully my average will improve :)

maybe being stupid but were do we get the star ratings from? some games i may plat in few weeks time that arent on the list and i wanted to no how they rated

I guess we get the star ratings from overall feedback about a game, compared to how long it's been out and the amount of time it takes to plat compared to how many people have it? Take a look at something like Uncharted or Hannah Montanna. Hannah is very easy to plat and takes almost no effort in the long run (so it's one star), while Uncharted isn't that difficulty either but it does take some effort to clear it on Crushing (hence why it's 2 stars). Then you have games like Cross Edge and Red Faction, both of which aren't entirely that difficult but take a LONG time (hence the 4 stars for both).

Without having played every game on the list, it's tough to nail down the ratings for some games. For instance, I think DW Gundam 2 should be 4 stars, instead of the 3 it's at now. While you could play on Easy for most of the game, there around about 20 or so missions that require you to play on Hard and they definitely take some skill to finish. But I guess I could see the reasoning behind the 3 stars though.

getrdone said:
Tekken 6 is very disappointing and the scenario does not belong in Tekken. I gave up on the platinum for this game because I could not beat Nancy. I only need to hit Nancy one more time to beat her and my game froze and im now short one controller. lol

Hehe, i should have the platinum soon but i agree with u i´m dissapionted aswell they focused too much on Scenario mode. Tekken is one of my favorite games and 1 of the reasons why i got a ps3 but it just feels like this should have released a year ago.

Nancy is really a bitch but u gotta master the sidestepping then u will do it. With Azazel these 2 bosses are by far the worst in Tekken´s history.

Edit: Online sucks aswell, its almost unplayable.