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Sounds like the NBA2K manager wasn't going to sign you up after the first camp anyway no matter how well you played. Might be a scripted event to get a 10 day contract from another team first to work your way up the ranks to a NBA superstar.

Also, regarding Tekken 6, I gotta say I'm overall disappointed. The only positive is the 1v1 versus fighting engine is actually improved upon for arcade modes since the last time I played Tekken DR. Finally beat 10 people in a row on survivor mode too for the trophy which was very satisfying after losing on #8, #9, and #10 a bunch of times. Made it to #15 the final time. My main disappointment though comes with the Tekken scenario campaign mode where practically all of the trophies are based. What was Namco thinking when they designed this archaic story mode and made it the games main focus with trophies. While I think its better this way for my chances for platinum than getting all 10-hit combos or 1000 online ranked wins I would rather have more 1v1 versus trophies and a more reasonable 100 online ranked wins. Hopefully, I'll team up for online co-op with a friend to make the scenario campaign mode more enjoyable.