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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Platinum leaderboard is ridiculous, no offence arcturus. Ashley has 31 plats, Aildiin has 24. Its stupid for Aildiin to be top if he has 7 platinums less. Its 'platinum' leaderboard not 'whoever has platted more harder games leaderboard'. If you want to keep the latter leaderboard involved, please do it separately to the 'platinum leaderboard'.

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It goes against the people from getting really easy Plats for the sake of it. I think most people in the league actually like it. Including lots of people who admit to playing games just for the Trophies.

God forbid anyone go against Yokimoto's way. Its fine Arcturus. AshleyAc has easy plats thats why she's 2nd. Let Arcturus run the show here not you. Ail has worked hard for his plats. He don't play nothing but games he thinks is gonna give him a challenge. Anybody can get 31 easy plats. Ail has a lot of hard ones so he deserves it

I also prefer this system. One day when a great game that I'm gonna love with lots of stars arrives, my average is gonna be really high

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


I know I'm biaised but I like the new system, it will prevent people from going out of their way to play a game they wouldn't really enjoy just to get an easy plat.
I know Terminator Salvation is going off my gamefly gameq thanks to the change...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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I like the plat rating system I'm sure with time people will be happy with how the plats are ratted. I just need to work on getting myself some more of them.

I can't believe it...
The stupid portland Trailblazers cut me after my last training camp game...
I destroyed everyone of their shooting guard except the starter with who I had an equal game.
I averaged A+ teamgrade..
And still they cut me...
so BS..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Cool thread!

PS3 Trophies

PS3 Trophies


PSN ID: Talyis      add me!



Ahh i didn't gain any trophies this week as I had 4 exams that I needed to study for and massive amounts of homework to do. Dang college. I have Uncharted 2 to finish on second play through along with 4 new games that I just got. I got Fallout 3, Ratchet and Clank:ACiT, Brutal Legend, and Demons Souls. I feel like I wont get too much playing time in in the next few months though as it is getting ominously close to finals already. Then over semester break I have to have hand surgery along with reconstructive surgery on my wrist. I have about a 20 game backlog to play and I just keep adding to it with all the new games I keep getting.

Get your Portable ID!

End of 2009 sales predictions:

PS3 - 33 Million     360 - 40 Million    Wii - 75 Million

agardini51 said:
Ahh i didn't gain any trophies this week as I had 4 exams that I needed to study for and massive amounts of homework to do. Dang college. I have Uncharted 2 to finish on second play through along with 4 new games that I just got. I got Fallout 3, Ratchet and Clank:ACiT, Brutal Legend, and Demons Souls. I feel like I wont get too much playing time in in the next few months though as it is getting ominously close to finals already. Then over semester break I have to have hand surgery along with reconstructive surgery on my wrist. I have about a 20 game backlog to play and I just keep adding to it with all the new games I keep getting.

What's wrong with your hand and wrist? Is it tendonitis or arthritis or have you had an accident?