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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Draven26 said:
i agree i think people should at least be active, and i think that if there is a max number of people in the league that if you havnt earned a trophy in a while you should lose your spot (whats the point of being in a league if you do nothing)

Yeah, some peopla in the league hasn´t posted for like 1 year and they have the same amount of trophies all the time.

I think if u don´t post or don´t get a trophy for 6 months then u should remove that person.


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Muff3210 said:

My first week in Trophy league

Welcome to the trophy league! Looks like you just got in before our 200 limit was reached.


I agree that people who haven't posted in a year and don't contribute at all since they joined with 50 posts should be removed. Whats the point of being part of a league if your not going to contribute in some way? Perhaps just looking at your name on the weekly leaderboards might be enough justification for some. I guess as long as they are contributing elsewhere on vgchartz then they should be in the clear to stay a member of the league.

So maybe new league rule could be: Anyone who hasn't posted anything on vgchartz in 6 months will be removed from the league. I think we need to open up more spots for people that care enough to contribute.

I'd be willing to go through people's post counts to help out.

i swear we had this debate before about people who dont contribute lol i thought arcturus had a system in place with a time limit, once said limit expires he would pm them warning them of being removed etc.

onto the other query going on lol in this league we got some great gamers but de-valuing a platinum because a great amount of people achieve it seems bit harsh, shouldnt the star level just be set in stone and left?
if everyone suddenly grabbed the wipeout hd platinum would we have to bring it down to 3*? it would just be pointless, plus gamers like ail would be penalised for there hard work :|

difficulty is in the hands of each person. i know many people who have said that demons souls is easy and many people that say it is hard as hell. i personally will never plat a racing game (other then maybe burnout) because i just plain suck at racing games.

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Yeah your right we had this debate before. Arcturus was monitoring a trophy activity system to eliminate inactive users.
I'm not sure the last time active posts were checked but I just ran through every name on the list and found 6 people with less than 50 posts ranging from 19 - 36 posts. I will send the list to arcturus and they should be removed. There were also a few questionable users who reached 52-53 posts and then haven't logged in over 6 months.

De-valuing a platinum does seem harsh. Perhaps once its set and no one strongly objects, it should be set in stone. I didn't have any problems with any of the ratings myself. Hoping Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time will be set to a 2 and not a 1 though. But it probably could be a 1. Took me about 20 hours to platinum. I started on hard first so it was a challenge until I got some good weapons (especially the RYNO V) fully upgraded then I tore the universe a new one.

Let's see here. I have Ratchet & Clank, which I will play during the day when I have time, then I have Borderlands, which I will play at night so I can co-op with a friend who lives in Hawaii. Besides that, Demon's Souls is being shipped to me at the moment, plus there's the next Gamefly game being sent as well. That's all added to the fact that I have quite a few PS3 games in my backlog to play, so it looks like I'll be busy for quite a while.

My average is 2, not bad.

I do only have one platinum, though

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


KylieDog said:
Has anyone picked up or rented Red Alert 3 yet?

I've not played the game for quite some time and I still need the co-op trophies, I don't wanna play with random people online since the games can last quite long and in my few tries I've had my partner quit on me for no reason.

I'd get it if I didn't already have it on PC and if I liked the interface on the PS3 at all.  I don't suppose you can hook up a mouse and keyboard on that one?

I did however see it on for like $25 I think, if anyone is interested...

Nice, what is your one platinum? Uncharted 2?