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Yeah your right we had this debate before. Arcturus was monitoring a trophy activity system to eliminate inactive users.
I'm not sure the last time active posts were checked but I just ran through every name on the list and found 6 people with less than 50 posts ranging from 19 - 36 posts. I will send the list to arcturus and they should be removed. There were also a few questionable users who reached 52-53 posts and then haven't logged in over 6 months.

De-valuing a platinum does seem harsh. Perhaps once its set and no one strongly objects, it should be set in stone. I didn't have any problems with any of the ratings myself. Hoping Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time will be set to a 2 and not a 1 though. But it probably could be a 1. Took me about 20 hours to platinum. I started on hard first so it was a challenge until I got some good weapons (especially the RYNO V) fully upgraded then I tore the universe a new one.