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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

What is wrong with the people on this forums ?
Only 1 person in my friend's list seems to have Rockband beatles.

It's the BEATLES for Godsake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know some people here prefer Hannah Montana to the Beatles but still.............( I'm looking at you Jboy !)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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@ail (whisper it) i don't like the beatles but lmao on the hannah dig :P

@mark i tried riddick and it was alryt but bit boring after couple of hours and online there was one deathmatch and nothing else lol worth a look when dirt cheap :)

Still grinding out Unreal, enjoying it though. As long as i can find enough time i should have plat soon. Plus, just sold some games on ebay so got some funds to buy a new game, i only buy long-ish games e.g. fallout or Unreal, i rent the rest. Any suggestions? Atm i'm thinking UFC.

I wonder how much I will rise once I get my PS3 back online. I haven't been online with since late august and I won't be online until late september. And I have been active

sirvice said:
Resident Evil 5: 2-3 on Pro is a pain in the ass! Confirmed.

Actually its quite easy when you are not tired and exhausted! Tried it this morning -> 2nd try brought me satisfaction ;)

Wenn killerspieler in killerspielen killerspieler killen, dann killen killerspieler in killerspielen killerspieler.



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Ail said:

What is wrong with the people on this forums ?
Only 1 person in my friend's list seems to have Rockband beatles.

It's the BEATLES for Godsake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know some people here prefer Hannah Montana to the Beatles but still.............( I'm looking at you Jboy !)

Was interested in rhythm games around 2-3 years ago, got Guitar Hero III and don't really feel like every purchasing another rhythm game again (unless something like Mad Maestro 2 came out, then I'd be all over it). That, and plus I was never a big fan of the Beatles, to be honest.

is it really possible to kill 6 enemies in 1 second in Fat Princess? How the hell should i do that? And why are there no silver and golden trophies in fat princess?

KylieDog said:
Bionic Commando Plat.

Geez, you must have hauled ass through commando mode... I guess playing through once already would have helped though.

Did you do your trophy clean up in commando mode too?

Ail said:

What is wrong with the people on this forums ?
Only 1 person in my friend's list seems to have Rockband beatles.

It's the BEATLES for Godsake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know some people here prefer Hannah Montana to the Beatles but still.............( I'm looking at you Jboy !)

Lol Ail

I plan to get the Beatles Rock Band here soon because my is adie hard Beatles fan. I've been playing some Rock Band 2 to get ready for it lol

@jboy: I get to play drums=P


Leap that wall if you're so great!!