HideoK said: @Ail - I did everything in Devil May Cry 4 except for clearing the final difficulty mode called Hell & Hell where you take 1 hit and your dead and you have to hurt the enemies a lot. I did beat the Fire Balrog boss though on stage 2 though. Oh and I didn't get all the blue orbs also. Did you clear Hell & Hell? |
Yes I have 100% done.
Even beat bloody palace with an S rating.( I S ranked every mission in every difficulty level it made sense ( not Hell and Hell or Heaven and Hell).
I spent a lot of time on it but for a few mission ( 3 I believe) I had one of the top 10 scores worldwide in normal mode ( I was in top 50 worldwide in normal mode( number 2 US !), and hard, not so well ranked in DMD( didn't spend so much time there and that's where all the top players make their scores so take my ranking with a grain of salt).
Bosses are not as hard in Hell and Hell ( they are harder in DMD) and you don't need to worry about style which allows you to play it a lot safer ( and you have 3 lives..)
PS : And the ladder was a lot more competitive on the PS3 than on the 360, top 50 worldwide had like 40 Japanese players and some of them really were bad ass...
PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !
PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !