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Jboy0990 said:
Oh yeah those things were cool but they don't want to make a repeat of 4 they hd to add new stuff. I don't like to play sequels that are exactly like the previous games

i don't think id be so annoyed with the game if they toned down chris muscle mass a tad and had sheva and chris split up for SP. and if they spent a little more time on monster creation. they lacked that one monster that gave you the heebe jeebies.

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HideoK said:
^ RE4 definitely had more atmosphere and I agree with you that it was a better game overall due to the horror aspects that a Resident Evil game should instill. The chainsaw guy was so freaking scary back then! I think for me I didn't witness a lot of your complaints because I played the whole game co-op with a friend never having to deal with the weak Sheva AI.

i played the game 3 times through once on veteran. and i practically played through the game with a friend the first time except the first and last chapters. once on rookie to get unlimited rickets and once on pro... which was easy as hell. uroboros died in 2 hits


True, I must not have got 1000/1000 accomplishments. Geez, top 10? No doubt about it you definitely would have had platinum in that game. Thinking back I remember most of the bonus missions were extremely hard to clear and I didn't finish all of them to get every single blue orb fragment either. >
Didn't you also get SSS rank on every level?

I also like your point about the Castle and the sense of exploration that RE4 provided. You didn't really get a feel for any real exploration in RE5 except for maybe the lake with the boat driving section. But that area was kind of small.

^which ironically reminded me the most of RE4.

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After Midnight Club LA i promised myself no more racing games
but i must say Burnout Paradise is pretty fun
Not even 20 mins of playing and i've smashed through 100 yellow gates and 5 billboards lol

HideoK said:

True, I must not have got 1000/1000 accomplishments. Geez, top 10? No doubt about it you definitely would have had platinum in that game. Thinking back I remember most of the bonus missions were extremely hard to clear and I didn't finish all of them to get every single blue orb fragment either. ><

Didn't you also get SSS rank on every level?


 Yeah I SS every mission on every difficulty.

You can check the 360 achievements list to see what I had to do :P

I S-ranked Bloody Palace too and got the 100k proud orbs...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

mtlca66 said:
anyone know when i should do the combo specialist and 14 hit combo in PoP? i heard the concubine is th easiest to do them to, but which fight should i do it in? the FINAL concubine or the earlier ones bc i heard for the combo specialist u need to actually kill the enemy and i dunno if u actually "kill" them in the earlier fights. Thanks!

My guess would be you'd do it early on, because the later fights are way more of a pain in the ass.  They constantly change states requiring certain attacks, and they'll interrupt your combo in the middle all the time.

What the hell is up with these links in words you type on here?
Is it like spam or something? like in HideoK's last post when he says "point" its like underlined as a link??? and in my sig the words Genesis and Edge are like that???

yeah no idea why with Shawn White Snowboarding, the White was double underlined in blue. 

It's not there anymore though....