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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

what games can i get trophies fast




Games That i have Platinum: Terminator Salvation, The Godfather 2, Burnout Paradise, Fallout 3, Call of duty WAW, Resident Evil 5, The Lord of the Rings Conquest and Harry Pothead and the Half Blood Prince.




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Uncharted, Sonic's Ultimate Collection, Prince of Persia are considered three very easy platinums. Heard Alone in the Dark was very easy, too.

Eat Lead can be one too
Lord of the Rings

marciosmg said:
I got only 9 bronze trophies this week, so it`s nice to see I held my ground. I wanna play the campaign in R2 to get trophies more quickly, but the Co-op and Competitive are so good they won`t let me.

Thanks as always, Arcturus!

PS - Only 4 positions now, Flow!!!!! THE DAY IS COMING!!!!


lol if i joined the league id be exactly 1 place above flow 48th place

Why don't you join the league

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@ jboy my damn ps3 is still being fixed

What happened?

What? o.ô

I didn't move, despite earning zero trophies...

Wow 182 points, this was my busiest week ever! It will have to make up for next week b/c I'm going on a 5 day vacation.

What PS3 games are you playing these days? I never see you online anymore.