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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I've got past the water room on Uncharted!!! Though it did take me 3 tries. Now my second platinum is in sight!!!!!! (though some of you guys are talking about your second platinum of the week....)

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Ail said:

Finally I can say now that I am among the 30-40 people in the world that have beaten Ancient Ruins in mercenaries mode ! And only one of 2 that have done it with Sheva !
I should be rewarded a gold trophy for that, darnit !( should be a gold trophy for completing each mercenary map imo !


 Damm Ail u really are good at Re5.


Omg the Reaper is so annoying on RE5!!
I'm playin Mercenaries and i had a 74 combo and that damn thing came and killed me i swear that yellow dot on its body doesn't show up until its right up on you

I don't know how you do it
I'm lucky to get S on any map of mercenaries lol

Mirror's Edge is $30 on Amazon today, and a few bucks cheaper from a couple other sellers. I'll probably wait until I can get it under 20, but someone else here might be interested.

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I bought 3 games in 2 days, Resident evil 5, Dead space and Lotr Conquest allr for 90 euros.


lol and all three of those games you bought i have the plat for
is trivial pursuit any good?
I've noticed no one on here had said anything about it so i figured i'd ask to see if someone else had it?

What isn't? Trivial Pursuit?

Jboy0990 said:
lol and all three of those games you bought i have the plat for
is trivial pursuit any good?
I've noticed no one on here had said anything about it so i figured i'd ask to see if someone else had it?

I got it when it was $10 off at Best Buy last week.  It's pretty fun to play with my girlfriend, and the trophies seem pretty easy... I've gotten a ton without even trying.  It doesn't appear that the game has an online mode which is really strange, considering it would probably fit well.

haha well alright then lol