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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

how do you update the "automatic" card???

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Jboy0990 said:
Also Tbone if u are lookin to plat RE5 i'll help u co op if u want i love the game anyways i wouldnt mind playin it again


 Ok thanks, i started the game, install first of course but suddenly the install stopped at 52% dont know why i had to turn of the ps3 beacuse nothing else worked.


tbone how do you get 3 magnum headshots in a row cos i either miss or knock off there helmets

oliminator1994 said:
tbone how do you get 3 magnum headshots in a row cos i either miss or knock off there helmets


 I did like this.


thanks that will be a good help. They dont wear protective helmets! wahooo!

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and youtube tells all lol

Jboy0990 said:
and youtube tells all lol


 Yeah what would we do without youtube:)


Well, I've gotten two games to 100% complete now. Sadly, both are downloadable games and have no platinum trophies... And the trophies are really easy to get. They're Flower and Linger in Shadows; I'm still working on that darn WipEout HD one. =(

I'd be lost without youtube lol

Dark Odin said:
how do you update the "automatic" card???

Go to "my portable ID" on the website, and hit update... it is annyoing, but certainly how you update the official cards


Anyway, my Uncharted platinum is just out of site. I have guided Nate to that area in chapter 4, on crushing, and while I haven't had many problems yet (I have played this game 4 times now so I pretty much know the tactics for each area), I'm not looking forward to this fight