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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I have Valkyria Chronicles, but I have yet to play it since I don't have a lot of time to play as it is, and I'm sure that VC requires quite a bit of time to play.

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Yeah, it does. I am 30hs in and I just finished chapter 15 and there are 18 chapters in the game. There is are optional skirmishes in the game and I like to do them so that increases play time.

The game is very good. I suggest people get it. I bought this in the US in January and it was pretty easy to find there. I saw it in several Wal-Marts and Gamestops.

did/are they releasing trophies for VC? i rented it and will buy it in the future probably

I haven't heard of trophies coming to VC, though I think it would increase the popularity of the game.

And I completed it, a very awesome game, and should be played for the sake of playing, and not for the sake of trophy hunting! Though I would no doubt go back to platinum it

Jboy0990 said:
oh trust me Tbone it is challenging because sometimes zombies won't appear and mess your whole combo up


 Zombies not appearing is the least of my problem ( if you move a lot which is what you have to for high scores you will get plenty of zombies). The real chalenge is killing all zombies before the time finishes ( and some levels have really painfull bosses).

And you can't do high scores by standing still in one spot where zombies can only come at you from one direction...

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Yeah same here
I had a 87 combo and i ran around and there was nothing anywhere
I was so mad

Jboy0990 said:
oh trust me Tbone it is challenging because sometimes zombies won't appear and mess your whole combo up


 Ok i guess i will find out soon enough bought the game today for 30 euros.

Also i got Killzone 2 platinum.


well, I now have both Killzone 2 (got it for my birthday) and LittleBigPlanet to work on and collect trophies, but I doubt I will be making up much ground, as it takes me way to long to collect them. I did get the 2 Helgast with a suicide grenade though

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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nordlead said:
well, I now have both Killzone 2 (got it for my birthday) and LittleBigPlanet to work on and collect trophies, but I doubt I will be making up much ground, as it takes me way to long to collect them. I did get the 2 Helgast with a suicide grenade though


 Well done Killzone 2 requires quite some time if u wanna plat it, now go and kill 5 Helgast soldiers with one grenade :)


Also Tbone if u are lookin to plat RE5 i'll help u co op if u want i love the game anyways i wouldnt mind playin it again