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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

No Killerxx really does have 24 platinums i can name them all off i have him on my friends list and RE5 isnt boring if you knw what you are doing i played every Resident Evil that has came out and its just like 4 in a lot of ways so it wasnt boring to me

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well its rather boring to me. all you do is go from one check point to another killing majini. the only way to get to another checkpoint is to kill like 20 that are coming after you.

Well thats the point of the game
Most games are like that

i know that, but have u ever played madden?

U know i have
I'm talkin about pretty much every shooter game
It wouldnt be challenging if you could just run thru the game
I'm just a Resident Evil person I've always been a fan and i hope they will come out with a 6th one

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i didnt say run thru it. its just you do the same thing back to back but its just in a new enviorment each time.

Yeah new enviroment with new more challenging enemies. Wait til you fight Wesker and the Uroboros. They are the challenging reasons i love the game

ill probable never make it that far in the game.

Yeah I just need 3 trophies on Lord Of The Rings
So if anybody wanna help me out with them it wont take no longer than 10 mins probably
And i need 6 more trophies for Eat Lead... Maximum hazard difficulty is probably gonna take a min but idk yet
And thats probably it for awhile cuz i dont see anything else interesting but heck idk yet lol

It actually is probably better if u play the other Resident Evil games(if u havent)
If you just jumped on it without playin the rest of the games then u probably wuldnt get into it as much but i love the story and im hooked on it
Idk about gettin the plat for it cuz it will take quite a few hours to upgrade all weapons and find all emblems and all that but if i have time and nothin else to play i'd probably do it