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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

You have to unlock the gatling gun by fully upgrading the VZ61 machine gun. It's available after you beat the game for 50,000. To get the longbow you have to fully upgrade the S75 sniper rifle. The cost to buy is also 50,000.

The enemy type for the stab the heart trophy is the creatures that look like "lickers" from RE2 with the long tongues that grab you.

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Oh ok i see thanks man see i only played it yesterday and beat it and now i'm about to plat lotr so ive been on that but as soon as i pat that game i'm hoppin back on re5 and for the special creature i'm so freakin glad that it was brought back

So X-blades is on the top of my gameQ on Gamefly, followed by Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection( both listed as medium or high supply to boot).
Guess which two games is Gamefly sending me next ?
- Quantuum of Solace and F.E.A.R. 2 ...
Grrr like if I needed more shooters with KZ2 and Re5....
This sucks !

PS : I kinda wish CapCom made S-ranking the missions harder, I miss that from DMC4..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Getting close to getting platinum on LBP, Mercs 2 and Resistance 2, although I haven't played R2 in a while and still need like 8,400 kills. I need only the Create and 100% prizes trophies for LBP, while I need the shop items, verify/capture HVTs, snipe 50 enemy drivers, and the billion dollars trophies on Mercs 2.

Finally i beat Killzone 2 on Elite mode :)


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@ tbone, how was it? I found the last section impossible on medium anyway

It was hell, if u find it impossible on medium then imagine it twice impossible on Elite.


What tactics did you use to beat that bit, I didn't have too many other problems throughout the game

Munkeh111 said:
What tactics did you use to beat that bit, I didn't have too many other problems throughout the game


 Honestly i just tryed to stay behind cover all the time but sometimes the enemies appeard behind u so u gotta move quite often, dont know how many times i died beacuse of an Helgast came behind and melee me.

Also sometimes Rico is pain in the ass beacuse he keeps dying alot of times but also he get some kills so i guess it even outs.

When u face Radec try and move around all the time his knife is quite leathal.


Yeah, that knife was bloody annoying, I thought it was slightly ridiculous the way he charges at you with that, and it is nearly impossible to work out where he is, but I guess the ultimate satisfaction that I got from it does make it seem like it is mostly fair, though I assume it feels less fair on elite